2014-09-18 Developers Forum
2014-09-18 Developers Forum
Jamie Thomas
Burke Mamlin
Owned by Jamie Thomas
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- Scrum/sprint Updates (Allergy Sprint), Incorporate Atlas Module to OpenMRS distribution
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Developers Forum 2014-09-18
- Michael Downey
- Burke Mamlin
- Wyclif Luyima
- Darius Jazayeri
- Sara Armson
- Ada Yeung
- Cosmin Ioan
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Nyoman Ribkea
- Sri Maurya K.
- Karl Wurst
- Alexis Duque
Agenda & Notes
- Review last week's outstanding TODO's (OpenMRS 2.1 Planning)
- TODO: Chris Power to schedule how Reporting in OpenMRS 2.1 will get done (or find out if Darius is going to address reporting for 2.1)
- TODO: ??? to Refactor HTML Form Entry to store its model into form_field when a form is updated
- TODO: ??? to Send form references
- TODO: Darius? to feature toggle all functionality that is not complete
- TODO: Darius? to remove some modules from OpenMRS 2.1, maybe?
- TODO: Burke to schedule a dev forum to revisit future release process/scheduling/strategy
- TODO: ??? needs to spike on upgrade from OpenMRS 2.0 → 2.1 <https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-389>
- TODO: ??? Add Atlas module to OpenMRS 2.1
- TODO: Burke to get a discussion about release process "big picture" ad
- For OpenMRS 2.1, we still need help with one fairly large task
- Creating static demo data (RA-328) https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-328
- Scrum/sprint Updates (Allergy Sprint)
- Sprint is essentially done: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=52&selectedIssue=RA-347
- You can see outcome: http://devtest02.openmrs.org
- TODO: Ask Cintia (or others) to review our Bamboo deployment plans (e.g. Modulus) and do the same for OpenMRS 2.1 to uat02.openmrs.org
- TODO: send out a request for feedback with a page like http://burkeware.com/demo/
- TODO: Schedule next round of Allergies tasks (don't drop the ball -Darius)
- Schedule changes
- Thoughtworks group working on Merge Concept MOdule is unable to make the Oct 2nd call and would like to reschedule it
- TODO: Sara will email TW & Bhamni team to ask for which week later in October works and we'll swap topics
- Incorporate Atlas Module to OpenMRS distribution
- We will adapt the Atlas module to bug the admin until they choose to configure Atlas or decline
- OpenMRS 2.x comments that arose
- We need Administration button on main page and Atlas, Advanced Administration, etc. would go under (inside) it.
- We need support for a notification banner in the new UI
After action review
Cancelled due to lack of interest in reviewing ourselves
What did you expect to happen?
What actually happened?
What can we do better?
- Preview next week
- "Content Modules": Can we define a standardized pattern by which a module could include metadata
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
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