2009-04-16 Developers Conference Call


16 April 2009

In Attendance

  • Mike Seaton

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Paul Biondich

  • Sam Mbugua



  • Google Summer of Code

    • Will announce accepted applicants on Monday

    • Will need to prepare students to be ready to start

      • IRC meeting with students?

      • Basics of OpenMRS for new students

  • Discussion of Metadata

    • Concept_description void or retire?

      • Does not implement OpenMRS metadata - is a child of metadata.

      • Could void because it's not attributable to Patient Data.

      • Technically should probably retire?

      • Implement an OpenMRS Object or ... ?

      • unnamed link

      • It is convenient for all OpenMRS metadata to have getName()

      • Is Field_answer metadata? No... it's more of a mapping table...not needed to keep around.

        • Should void it (Burke). Ben says we should retire it?

        • FieldAnswer implements OpenmrsObject?

    • Metadata:

      • If we need to longitudinally collect the data.

        • ConceptAnswer and FieldAnswer are not metatadata because there is no reason to store the data longitudinally.

      • Actually stored or referenced in patient data.

      • Needs to have name and description properties.

    • All metadata will have a UUID.

    • Every Service should have a "save" method.

    • ConceptAnswer - Not metadata

    • User - Is Data (not metadata).

      • NOT OpenmrsMetadata (should not get 'retired'):

        • ConceptMap

        • ConceptNameTag

        • ConceptProposal

        • ConceptDescription

        • ConceptSet

        • FieldAnswer

      • IS OpenmrsMetadata (will get 'retired')

        • ConceptSource

        • ConceptClass

        • ConceptComplex

        • ConceptDatatype

        • ConceptName

      • Argument to be metadata is that provider is to encounter as location is to encounter.

    • Are there other classes that we want to be metadata that have no business having a name or description?

    • TODO: Look through remaining Objects and decide whether they should be Data or Metadata.

      • Who can do this? Asignee of unnamed link, joutsource?

      • Mike has good idea to have an OpenMRS Object that has a name and description. Extend the Object.

      • OpenmrsObject

      • OpenmrsData - clinical information

      • OpenmrsMetadata - (see metadata)

      • RetirableMetadata - OpenmrsMetadata that has a name and description

      • TODO: Call what we consider metadata as "OpenmrsMetadata"

  • Logging

    • SearchKeyLogging module can log

    • Right now if you set logging on "info", every save() method gets logged.

    • Should have log entry for every time a Concept is saved. Should also log get() methods to watch who looked at what clinical data.

      • TODO: Ben will make this a ticket for the logging module.

  • Auditable (OpenmrsMetadata should be Auditable)

    • Creator

    • Date Created

    • ChangedBy

    • Date Changed