2009-06-18 Developers Conference Call


18 June 2009

In Attendance

  • Mike Seaton

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Burke Mamlin


  • Sync Updates

  • Active lists project


  • Active lists

    • Point of project is to bring allergy lists and problem list table to openmrs

    • Do we just add those tables or make something more general?

    • Upul is working on ticket 73 while this decision is being made

  • Sync Updates

    • The ability to mark a module as mandatory was added to trunk

    • The ability to add a hibernate interceptor by a module was added to trunk

    • The last step we need now is is to get sync out of a branch and into a module

      • We need a hackathon to get it into a module

        • Maros to create tickets for it?

        • Identify places that need improvement, what to move where, etc

        • Maros needs to pick a date in July to have the hackathon