2009-06-18 Developers Conference Call
2009-06-18 Developers Conference Call
18 June 2009
In Attendance
Mike Seaton
Ben Wolfe
Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Sync Updates
Active lists project
Active lists
Point of project is to bring allergy lists and problem list table to openmrs
Do we just add those tables or make something more general?
Upul is working on ticket 73 while this decision is being made
Sync Updates
The ability to mark a module as mandatory was added to trunk
The ability to add a hibernate interceptor by a module was added to trunk
The last step we need now is is to get sync out of a branch and into a module
We need a hackathon to get it into a module
Maros to create tickets for it?
Identify places that need improvement, what to move where, etc
Maros needs to pick a date in July to have the hackathon
, multiple selections available,