2007-04-05 Developers Conference Call
2007-04-05 Developers Conference Call
5 April 2007
In attendance:
Paul Biondich
Ben Wolfe
Ada Yeung
Martin Were
Christian Allen
Justin Miranda
Maros Cunderlik
Darius Jazayeri
Chris Seebregts
Hammish Fraser
Google Summer of Code 2007
Christian has been in talks with Trinity College about Google Summer of Code and may be able to secure 5 students to work on OpenMRS this summer. Some discussion about what project(s) to put them on. Will continue to think about it and return to discussion at another time.
Lengthy discussion about slots and applicants.
Meeting adjourned.
Discuss plans for handling GSoC students
Plans for handling external contributors
for a later date Discuss GSoC project overlap (avoid duplicating effort on overlapping summer projects)
, multiple selections available,