2015-03-05 Leadership Call
2015-03-05 Leadership Call
- Former user (Deleted)
- Jamie Thomas
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- Organizational Plan "go-live date"?
- Fundraising Update
- Call Timing
Meeting Minute
- Michael Downey
- Pascal Brandt
- Paul Biondich
- Jamie Thomas
- Hamish Fraser
- Chris Seebregts
- Darius Jazayeri
- Organizational Plan "go-live date"?
- Community Roles - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/OpenMRS+Community+Roles
- Want to publish draft of the roles on 3/23 (may not all be complete, which is okay)
- We will have 30 min on the next two leaderhsip calls to talk through the diagram with leads.
- want people to see this when they come to the community
- Fundraising Update
- spoke with a professional fundraiser who gave us feedback and opened his rolodex fo philanthropic funders
- need to start surveying people to help start fundraising
- looking at characterisitics and what to expect from fundraiser (eg. bring in 10k their salary)
- late spring/ early summer - hoping to start doing a "road show" so before then we need to do some work to get ready for that
- set up once a month review of elevator pitch (3/19)
- Bahmni Partnership - Chris
- want more input in the road map process
- we need to know what this means because they may expect us to have a more fleshed out road map for the core
- need to have a call w/ Bahmni to flesh out Bahmni's expectations w/ Paul, Burke and Darius
- also need to better describe the road map process so people understand how to participate in the road map process
- Saptarshi's Role - Paul
- Call Timing - http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ - Jamie
- Currently
- 12pm ET
- 7pm Cape Town
- 5pm Leeds
- 9am Seattle
- Next Week
- 12pm ET
- 6pm Cape Town
- 4pm Leeds
- 9am Seattle
- In the long term Hamish and Chris would not mind seeing the earlier time staying
- Maputo Numbers - are not all in yet but Michael will be sharing that with the leadership list over the next week or so
- Potential Summit first or second week in December (more to come)