How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
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Leads Update
- Have been working on Reference Application ready for OMRS13
- Make subtle changes on how we do a standup to upgrade the OMRS process a bit - TW good example of changes
- Mirebalais and TW experience can be good tools for us to learn from
- Paul believes that structure and governance model will be helpful in creating OMRS process
- Seeing a lot of getting involved growth - there are people who want to get involved and those who by making an investement won't get their work done - believe strucutre of roles and responsibilties can help with our growing number of interested community members
- Want to document the role of a documentation leader
- Would like to get feedback on ED role and responsibilities in the near future
- Relationship Management and Opportunities
- Been getting queries from large organizations for doing work on top of OMRS
- OMRS13 registrations as of today
- Earlybird through end of the month
- Scholarship applciations as of today
- Open until the end of this week
- 59 applicaitons at this time
- Need to start thinking about this list
- Need to also think about the rationale for those attendees
- TODO - Michael will send out a document to organize everyones invitees in one place
- Bill Tiereny will be attending this year
- Volunteers - taking local applications right now
- Local Sponsors - Going slow but moving forward