2013-01-17 Leadership Call


17 January 2012

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance


  • Partnership Role Overview - Chris

  • OSCON Topics - Michael

Meeting Minutes

View at notes.openmrs.org

Paul Biondich
Andy Kanter
Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Jamie Thomas
Michael Downey
Mike Seaton
Chris Seebregts
Hamish Fraser

OMRS Partnership Role - Chris
OSCON Suggested Topics - Michael


  • AOB

  • OMRS Partnership Role

    • Chris has come up with an OMRS Partnerhip Function document that outlines the activities of that role

    • The role is to be responsible for the development and maintenance of relationship between OMRS and key partners, including funders, commercial partners, country users, other open communities 

    • Examples of partnerships are ThoughtWorks, Regenstrief, PIH, MSF, etc.

    • Partnership role speaks on behalf of the organization and Community Role speaks on behalf of the members

    • Would keep a database of partnerships and relationships - there would be a functional contact

    • A functional contact could explain relationships could have with OMRS so they have better understanding of working with OMRS. Then sending them on to the appropriate contact in OMRS so they can reach a mature realationship - example ThoughtWorks

    • Seeking a partner? Think resource mobilization could be part of the function but could be shared with other roles as well

    • When any of us make contact with someone who is intersted in OMRS we should be directing them to Chris in the future

    • This is also a good opportunity to have a discussion with exsisting partners now

    • Chris will be making sure that relationships are being minded and facilitating administrative component

    • Chris walked through the document and reviewed the goals for the next three months

  • OSCON Suggested Topics

    • Proposals are due Feb 4th

    • OSCON is July 22-26, Portland Oregon

    • Got more out of OSCON last year then most other conferences, found it to be very valuable

    • Think it is helpful to learn about other projects and what we can do with ours

    • Paul believes we should continue to have a presence at the meeting

    • Speakers go for free, others can get a discount (there is a matrix)

    • If anyone has any topics Michael has templates that would be helpful for submitting proposals, proposal is a web form, and can get bonus points for being a pervious speaker

    • Darius and Burke would be interested in going

  • Implementers Meeting

    • Voting has opened and have received 160 votes already

  • Next week 

    • Michael to discuss his role and tools being used (next week or two)

    • Hamish Rwanda Update