2009-06-25 Developers Conference Call
25 June 2009
In Attendance
Mike Seaton
Ben Wolfe
Burke Mamlin
Paul Biondich
Justin Miranda
Brian McKown
Nyoman Ribeka
Sync Updates
1.5 beta 2 release - Ben
AMPATH upgrades from 1.3 to 1.4.4
Sync updates
Last step is still getting sync turned into a module
Still waiting on Maros or Darius to decide if sync-->module is good for a hackathon. (see 2009-06-18_Developers_Conference_Call)
Maros is free for all of July. If he is going to Boston, we should have the hackathon after he's there for a week and can prepare for the hackathon.
Devs can fly in for a day or two to then hack.
TODO: Darius/Maros/Ben have a plan for a tentative when/where.
(and testing is of course a step in there as well)
1.5 Beta 2
There were more bugs in the 1.5 beta than we would have liked, so we are going to release 1.5 beta 2 instead of 1.5 RC. (no oppositions were raised)
AMPATH's upgrade
The upgrade from 1.3. to 1.4.4 was mostly very smooth.
The only thing that broke were the checkboxes on complex infopath forms
This was caused because now the hl7 is sent as 123^PRIMARY NAME^99DCT^456^SELECTED NAME^99DCT - 123 is concept_id, 456 is concept_name_id of the concept that was actually selected. There is a mismatch in schema now, so checkboxes are not matching up.
The concept_name_id triplet could be changed to 456^SELECTED NAME^99NAM (NAM would mean concept_name_id for us) or to 123^PRIMARY NAME^99DCT^456^SELECTED NAME^99NAM
123^PRIMARY NAME^99DCT^456^SELECTED NAME^99NAM is going to be the solution.
The hl7 orur01 parser needs to start looking at the 99DCT/99NAM comparison
TODO Ben: create ticket this
TODO: Brian to email impl list and explain bug with concept answers on the taskpane
TODO: Brian to remove the possible answers manually from the XSN files so that he taskpane can be used again
TODO: Burke to look into using regex for the answers intead of fixed strings for answers (this will allow for all kinds of names) (and create ticket)
TODO: Brian to make ticket about the sextuplet having the "selected" name in both triplets instead of only the primary name in the left triplet
Ticket 1164 is a bug with checkboxes.
TODO: Brian to look into the solution Chase found for this