2008-05-01 Developers Conference Call
2008-05-01 Developers Conference Call
1 May 2008
In Attendance
Mike Seaton
Burke Mamlin
Justin Miranda
Ben Wolfe
Brian McKown
Mark Benschoter
Chris Seebregts
Eric Manders
Paul Biondich
report-api-refactoring and api-refactoring merging
Chris Seebregt's update on openmrs conference
OIP Update
Ben said report-api-refactoring will be merged within a week and api-refactoring within 2
concept-name needs to be merged in by the end of May
Conference setup, logistics, invites discussed with Chris
Chris discussed lessons learned from this year's OIP
More followup needed by Chris, the admin
Need to draw interns into the community
Start date should really be when they receive their initial payment
start/end dates are flexible, but that makes it harder to manage, etc
, multiple selections available,