2011-04-21 Leadership Conference Call


21 April 2011

How To Join

Contact @Dawn Seymour for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Andy Kanter

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


  • Finalize Bylaws

Meeting Minutes

  • Finalize Bylaws

    • Jennett (NGO lawyer) on the call for final Q&A

      • Discussed ways in which the Board of Directors, Executive Director, and Officers interact within the NGO

        • Specific Item: Treasurer - Do one of the board positions to constantly be filled by someone with a finance background or will an employee from the OpenMRS organization serve as treasurer to report to the Board?

        • Treasurer could be an ex-officio board member and an employee/operational member of the org can report to that individual since the employee is involved with the finances on a daily basis

      • Supported Organizations

        • Discussed the process of adding additional organizations in the future

        • This goes into the Articles of Incorporation

      • Board of Directors

        • Since the Supported Organizations must elect a majority of the Board members, we will put in the Bylaws that the organizations must work together to nominate, unanimously agree upon, and elect the three Appointed Board member positions.