2014-11-06 Developers Forum
2014-11-06 Developers Forum
- Jamie Thomas
- Burke Mamlin
Owned by Jamie Thomas
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OpenMRS Developers Forum 2014-11-06
- Burke Mamlin
- Michael Downey
- Karl Wurst
- Mike Davisson
- Wyclif Luyima
- Ada Yeung
- James Arbaugh
- Mujir
- Angshu
- Darius Jazayeri
- Ryan Yates
- Nyoman Ribeka
- Mike Seaton
- Sara Armson
- Mihir Khatwani
- Badeia Jawhari
- Steven Wanyee
- Willa
- Paul Biondich
- Mark Goodrich
- Daniel Kayiwa
Review last week TODOs (OpenMRS 2.1 Retrospective)
- None listed last week
- Someone to Identify which module(s) are demonstrating best practice
- Burke to Get updates to Modulus on OpenMRS Technical Road Map – specifically, ability for implementer to enter comment on module and ability to rate module.
- Sara to email implementers@ regarding OpenMRS University
OpenMRS 2.2 Planning
Our vision: Implementations (especially, PIH, I-TECH Kenya, and Bahmni) use OpenMRS 2.x as the basis for their distributions, because it provides a good & reliable foundation to meet their needs.
Our goal: PIH, I-TECH Kenya, and Bahmni see OpenMRS 2.2 as a potential destination in their road maps – i.e., each sees OpenMRS 2.2 as having one or more desired improvements/features and no deal-breakers.
OpenMRS Road Map
- Determine how much UI Convergence is possible (between Refapp, Mirebalais, KenyaEMR, and Bahmni)
- Program-based workflow
- Condition lists
- MD: agree
- Basic Order Entry functionality for meds and tests
- JA - would be very helpful for HHF
- Integrated Multiple servers (e.g., sharing data, patient transfers, remote management, supporting external MPI)
- Go into this with low expectations: something that tries to solve everyone's problems out of the box will fail. At least we should share some effort or design/approach
- Mihir - Sorry did not get this one <- I rephrased it.
- DJ: PIH wants to support having local servers at facilities, and consolidate their data in a central place, but lighter weight than a full HIE-level EMPI+SHR (like we discussed over lunch Mihir)
- Yeah I did not get your comment on the same. "at least minimal coordination and sharing of effort or design/approach"?
- OpenMRS Platform 1.9 → OpenMRS Platform 1.11 (or Platform 1.12, whatever is under OpenMRS 2.2)
- OpenMRS 1.x → 2.2 migration strategy (i.e., help implementations get to 2.2, ok to be combination of SQL scripts ± upgrade module)
- Registration
- Appointment scheduling
- (?) Specific REST enhancements (driven by Bahmni needs)
- (?) Ad-Hoc Analysis
- (?) Specific reporting improvements
- Concept management: OCL-CIEL Subscription Module
- Permission management
- AY: Samson Gejibo from University of Bergen has expressed interests in this, from the security point of view.
- Retrospective data entry
- Account management
- Improved cohort building
Areas for collaboration
- Bahmni & I-TECH Kenya on OpenERP integration
- Program-driven content and workflow
- AY: would be very helpful for AMPATH
- Improved registration (e.g., support address hierarchy)
- JA - would be very helpful for HHF (RA-75, RA-451)
- AY: would be very helpful for AMPATH
- Distributed OpenMRS servers (sync, external MPI, strategies for centralized reporting, patient transfers & referrals, orders & results)
- Test orders
- JA - would be very helpful for HHF
- Lab result entry
- JA - would be very helpful for HHF
- Episodes of care (pregnancies)
- MD: Kenya very interested in this, if this means providing a dx history for a person.
I-TECH Kenya:
- Test orders and results (supporting HL7)
- Drug orders and results (supporting HL7)
- DJ: Does this mostly mean integrating with a pharmacy system via HL7, where dispensing will be handled?
- SW: Yes it does.
- Automated replication to a central site
- MDavisson : THis would be sending encounter updates to a central server and permit patient transfer
- Patient Transfers between OpenMRS servers
- Concept management: change or merge concepts
- DJ: does this mean doing this centrally and propagating it to many servers? Or just being able to do it at all, combine observations, etc?
- angshu: if the answer to the above question is yes, then as part of bangladesh project, where we use OpenMRS as TerminologyServer, we have done feed based sync to client OpenMRS server.
- MD: Hmm... this does not particularily mean progagating to remote instances, more along the line of improved concept management.
- SW: Initially just being able to do it and over time central server propagating to n servers
- BJ: Better management of concepts is vital for KMRI/ICChange, we find it very difficult to integrate new concept releases to our current system. We've tried using the meta data sharing module but it hasn't really worked for us.
- Improved reporting
- AY: would be very helpful for AMPATH
- JA - would be very helpful for HHF
- MD:
- BJ: This would be helpful for KMRI/ICChange as well
- Steven's exact quote was "more robust reporting / extract engine"
- Improved cohort building
- AY: would be very helpful for AMPATH
- JA - would be very helpful for HHF
- OpenERP integration
- SW: High on our list is "billing" functionality (we'll explore available work from the community) but integration with a financial info system useful as priority leading to integration with an ERP. Bottom line here is facilities in Kenya want a Hospital Wide Info Management System.
- DJ: Bahmni has already done OpenMRS-OpenERP integration, specifically supporting billing
- Mujir - this is done via atomfeed integration. MRS publishes events for various operations, and ERP consumes the event. <https://github.com/ICT4H/atomfeed>
- PB: Is this in a module? What would it take to "mainline" this? Thanks awesome TW people... what would it take to get you on a call to demonstrate / present this? Thanks for the github link, I think the conversation is more around how/whether strategically we'd want to integrate that code with a release at some point
- Mihir - We have a module in MRS to publish events of certain categories, and another module in OpenERP which consumes the same. This is done over atomfeed. @PB you can email us on bahmni@thoughtworks.com
- angshu: @PB, you can find more information about AtomFeed at <http://github.com/ict4h/simplefeed>, where it explains the protocol built over atom spec. There are reference openmrs module libraries as well
- Monitoring tools (system performance and utilization)
- Improved REST API, including better metadata support (easier to set up new system, migrate data) and also letting external apps build patient dashboards
- Simpler, domain-specific, version-controlled app configuration
- DJ: PIH is possibly now doing something like this, but I don't understand exactly what it means. (@Mark, what's the ticket?)
- DHIS2 integration
- Condition lists
- Bed assignments
- Appointment scheduler
- MD: Kenya is interested in this
- DJ: Mirebalais is using/extending the Appointment Scheduling module originally built by Tobin et al for Tel Aviv Refugee Clinic. Can this work for others?
- Mujir - We may need to extend emr api/rest services for appointments (assuming appointment module suffices)
- DJ: We added REST web services to the appointmentscheduling module, but there is no integration with encounter transaction
- MD: is this being referred to the same module currently on the wiki (https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/docs/Appointment+Scheduling+Module)?? Or is this a new module? (BJ)
- DJ: It's the same module, but we created "Appointment Scheduling UI" for the 2.x UI (using the underlying API from that linked module)
- Observation status (marking abnormals)
- (?) Drug dispensing
- (?) Drug order templates
- (?) Oncology support
- BJ: ICChange/KMRI has talked about better implementing oncology support, we are still conceptualizing our ideas. Open for feedback in this area if others are working on this as well.
- (?) Observations on images of body parts
- (?) PACS & DICOM
- (?) OpenERP integration
- Better concept browsing (source → reference term → concept, without losing context)
- Multiple classes per concept
- Concept attributes
The interstitium (the "stuff inbetween", the "glue") needed
- Skinning conventions
- Reference Application style guid +/- touch-friendly UI. Can we converge at least a bit?
- Clearly defined list of shared dependencies (modules & features)
- angshu: some tech aspects?
- supporting other db. e.g postgres
- integrating or opening up authentication to other auth server?
- spring framework update? :)
- 1.9.x → 2.2 migration strategy
- MD: agree, this is very important for Kenya. We have many sites and have to do upgrades manually at each site, so I am not sure I fully understand why this is not an issue?
- Kenya is getting ready to invest time in this upgrade and my understanding is this is not trivial
- Are we missing a simple strategy that we need to know?
- SW: Extremely important to us
- TODO Burke will summarize & share with community
- Invite Bahmni team to present their OpenERP integration as a form of billing support OOB for OpenMRS RA
- Invite PIH to present "2.0-ified" appointment module for potential RA integration
- Be explicit with an upfront process that will allow participants in this call know how their input will help determine what actually makes a release
After action review
Cancelled due to lack of interest in reviewing ourselves
What did you expect to happen?
What actually happened?
What can we do better?
- Preview next week
- WIP from Bahmni update on work their doing on top of the new order entry API in 1.10
- WIP from Sara and ThoughtWorks on Concept Management Module
- Showcase for Allergies
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)