| | | |
| 1.10 | @Wyclif Luyima | |
| 1.11 | @Daniel Kayiwa | |
| 2.1 / Allergies | @Shasha Liu | @Daniel Kayiwa - Dev Test 01 is failing for allergies can you look into it? Need to review the board to see what is left to build Need help from @Andrew Kanter with CEIL and once that has been resolved then there will be some work to be done to meet that. (see @Shasha Liu for more details) Ticket - RA-347 Mostly completed, but need Devtest to complete Demo can be slated for this Thursday's Dev Forum
| OCL- CEIL | @Burke Mamlin | @Paul Biondich is scheduled to talk to ITECH Friday Excellent opportunity to get ITECH / Kenya EMR programmers on board with working on OpenMRS together Need to work on getting a sprint or two lined up for this activity Work to be done to get US built
| Design Call | | |
| Roadmap | | 1.10 release 2.1 and Allergies 1.11