2014-06-05 Developers Forum

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Developers Forum 2014-06-05
Recording: http://goo.gl/R6LxkQ (MP3) https://connect.iu.edu/p7uihik7bf3/ (Adobe® Flash®)


  • Michael Downey

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Chris Power

  • Elliott Williams

  • Cosmin Ioan

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Mark Goodrich

  • David DeSimone

  • Vaclav Krpec

  • Paul Biondich

  • Ryan Yates

  • Geoff __

  • Karl Wurst

  • Lara ___

  • Rafal Korytkowski

  • Nyoman Ribeka

  • Someone from Czech Republic

  • Suranga Ka Chuck Morris

  • Willa

  • Alexis Duque

  • Ellen Ball

  • Tim Nicholson

  • Lukas Breitwieser

Agenda & Minutes

  • Review last week (5 min)

  • WIP: Mirebalais Update

    • Demo of new features

      • Scheduling system

        • Built upon the API built by Tobin's team using Angular + REST to API

          • Really like this approach, especially when trying to run a module in 1.x and 2.x environments

          • Uses the REST web services module to add scheduling resources (expose them via REST)

        • Define appointment types

        • Use a calendar to set up appointment blocks (provider availability)

      • Dispensing System

        • Patient needs active visit (pharmacy can create a "Pharmacy only" visit if needed)

        • Captures dispense events of up to 8 meds

        • Demonstrates a custom form for a local need being done in the reference application

  • Demo Burke's nifty Data Model viewer (45 seconds)

  • After Action Review

    • What did you expect to happen?

      • ?

    • What actually happened?

      • ?

    • What can we do better?

      • ?

  • Preview Next Week

    • Strategy for testing 1.11



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)