2014-06-19 Developers Forum

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Developers Forum 2014-06-19
Recording: http://goo.gl/ztVn71 (MP3) https://connect.iu.edu/p6pqz8zu3l2/ (Adobe® Flash®)


  • Michael Downey

  • Chris Power

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Willa

  • Karl Wurst

  • Daniel Kayiwa

  • Wyclif Luyima

  • Ryan Yates

  • Nyoman Ribeka

  • Tim Nicholson

  • Aniketha

  • Ge __

  • Sean L

  • Vaclav Krpec

  • Suranga K

  • Sila

  • Lukas Breitwieser

Agenda & Minutes

  • Review last week (5 min 18 min)

    • https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/2014-06-12+Developers+Forum

    • TODO: A dev forum on "Acceptance Criteria"

    • TODO: Automate basic code review via Travis

    • TODO: kaweesi & Daniel to address issues for release

    • TODO: Chris will explain how we could add optional release note in a ticket

      • Either adding a separate field/property to tickets or using summary/title as release notes.

    • TODO: Create a tree policy

  • Sprint Update

  • OpenMRS SDK

    • Getting it working with OMRS 2.0

    • Making it useful for seasoned all (seasoned & newbies) developers

      • Point it to my own database instance

        • Settings file per project

        • Global setting

      • Running my module against different versions of OMRS

      • Configuring reference application to pick up JSP (GSP in OMRS 2.x) & controller changes immediately

      • Deploying updated module or war (for core work)

        • Recognize when memory is low or automatically restart container after n reloads

      • Automate the install wizard – e.g., omrs-run --demo --mysql-username --mysql-password

        • In a new database, may want to skip install wizard by default and add --install-wizard option to opt-in

      • Automate common tasks (Spring Roo-ish for OpenMRS)

        • Creating a new form in OMRS 2.0 (add page, add controller, ...)

        • Add column to table (adds liquibase changeset)

        • Add constant

        • Merging a pull request (squash, make message, push changes)

        • Generating a module structure based on OMRS version you coding against.

  • OpenMRS Random Introduction - Pick on someone :-)

  • After Action Review

    • What did you expect to happen?

      • ?

    • What actually happened?

      • ?

    • What can we do better?

      • ?

  • Preview Next Week

    • Reviewing Developer Conventions



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)