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Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
Lead Role Update
- Burke Mamlin
- Micahel Downey
Meeting Minute
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Lead Role Update
- Dev Forums - REST web services - rough edges and pieces we would like to address
- Chris Power has done a good job on pushing us forward on the swim lane
- Last standup was Wyclif and Chris
- Need to identifry a group of individuals who are interested in a certain area and assign them with the task and making them accountable for the work - thus not hindering people from moving forward
- How do we create a distributed model? Dependant on infrastrucutre
- Believe we struggle getting people involved because of time zone which may be even more of a reason to let people organize into groups to work on specific things - probably work best after the reference app is done
- Got donations from TW, Google, & Merck in Kenya SafariCom is making a donation
- Scholarship Review thru next week
- Would like this group to start looking at the Google doc Michael sent out to identify people who would be good potential contributors