2014-09-04 Developers Forum
2014-09-04 Developers Forum
Jamie Thomas
Burke Mamlin
Owned by Jamie Thomas
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- Best Practices for modeling medical constructs (?) and sharing these
- Review next meeting agenda
Developers Forum 2014-09-04
- Michael Downey
- Aniketha
- Burke Mamlin
- Wyclif Luyima
- Ryan Yates
- Lara Kellett
- Willa
- Ada Yeung
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Nicholas __
- Mike Seaton
- Darius Jazayeri
- Karl Wurst
- Paul Biondich
- Nyoman Ribeka
- Geoff
- Sara Armson
Agenda & Notes
- Review last week's outstanding TODOs
- (WIP: OpenMRS Atlas & Docker)
- TODO: Darius Jazayeri to assign someone to https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-304 (done?) => Assigned to Rafal?
- TODO: Chris Power to schedule how Reporting in OpenMRS 2.1 will get done (or find out if Darius is going to address reporting for 2.1)
- TODO: Alexis Duque to provide a video for YouTube (done, uploading today)
Best Practices for modeling medical constructs and sharing them
- Proposer: Mike Seaton
- Sources for best practices for modeling medical constructs
- Maternal Concept Lab
- Contains links to OCL, CIEL, and other dictionary
- Andy Kanter
- From Columbia University and board member of IMO
- Expert in concept dictionary modeling
- Community
- Implementers mailing list http://om.rs/implist
- Concept Best Practices
- Advanced Concept Management in wiki
- Reference Application
- Fairly sparse at this point, but could help communicate best practices
- If someone wants to know what metadata (concepts & forms) are needed for basic HIV care, where do they go/look?
- Are there modeling conventions?
- Non-coded concepts
- Pre- vs post-coordination
- To obs group or not to obs group
- Can we get more organized about presenting our knowledge in this space?
- Rounding up the tools/resources above, curating
- A place to be pointed to that gives clear guidance & examples ... not so much best practices, and more like real examples that can be used/forked
- Can we better facilitate and organize conversations and questions?
- Meetings, lists, forums, wiki documents, ?
- How do we share forms?
- Form Bank
- Questions:
- Can we use the form schema/form fields/concepts to start?
- TODO: Refactor HTML Form Entry to store its model into form_field when a form is updated
- TODO: Send form references
After action review
What did you expect to happen?
What actually happened?
What can we do better?
Preview next week
OpenMRS 2.1 planning
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
, multiple selections available,