2008-07-03 Developers Conference Call
2008-07-03 Developers Conference Call
3 July 2008
In Attendance
Ben Wolfe
Brian McKown
Justin Miranda
Mike Seaton
Darius Jazayeri
Hamish Fraser
Discuss the Release Process
Concept-name-tag branch review
Conference call options to allow for more callers?
Conference call options:
Skype supports up to 9 people on a call for free
Callers can be on a skype conference call and skype out to the IU conference number.
Release Process
The basic change is to create a 1.3.x branch as soon as the release process starts. Trunk version is incremented to 1.4.0 as soon this happens.
This allows for a) backports to past versions and b) trunk development to continue while the release process is going on
Branch review:
Darius, Burke, Ben, Andreas and whomever volunteers from the dev list
Call adjourned at 10:51
, multiple selections available,