2010-06-17 Leadership Conference Call


17 June 2010

How To Join

Contact Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Andy Kanter

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe



  • Organization Update

    • Virtual

      • Michael Downey back from Kenya

        • More detail to be provided on Friday, 18 June 2010, but still aiming towards moving to Atlassian by 1 July 2010

        • This will also include JIRA and visualization tools such as FishEye and Crucible

    • NGO

      • Michael Downey, David Eaves, and Dawn Smith went over the last interviews and compiled Draft Three

      • The mission statement is close to final completion, but the vision needs clarity

      • ACTION:

        • Dawn will send Draft Three out today (17 June 2010)

        • Each member of the leadership group is to respond with feedback by the end of the day Tuesday, 22 June 2010

        • Next Thursday's Leadership Call (24 June 2010) will be used to go over the mission and vision statements in a group discussion

  • Hospital Information Systems

    • Hamish provided the following updates:

      • HISP India is doing work within 20 hospitals, possibly more

      • We also want to know the work with the IRD group in Pakistan

      • In Rwanda, the focus is not on larger hospitals but working on the registration system

    • Support

      • A list of functionality requirements should be compiled based on what is needed by the hospital system

      • Improved data entry is also needed

    • Questions:

      • Are we able to make hospital systems work within in-patient settings?

      • 1.9

        • Are we making registration and ordering more robust?

        • Is 1.9 pinned down enough that we can start thinking design-wise about what is needed?

        • What's the timeline? What are the deliverables?

    • Conclusion:

      • We need to take time to pin things down due to ambiguity

      • Hamish will put together a summary of some priorities we understand from our projects and identify groups that have come forward thus far. We can list the things that OMRS is considering as we move forward, and each group can voice what items are most important for them.

        • Doing so makes the community more inclusive and gives us direction for 1.9

        • This will be a follow-up item in two weeks

  • Mobile Data

    • Issues to address:

      • Access to OMRS database in asynchronous mode

      • A problem that's trying to be solved is being disconnected without having to run full OMRS client on a server somewhere remotely because of synchronization issues

        • It's often that patient lookups need to be utilized

    • Solutions in action:

      • Enhancing the web services. 1.9 is pointed to get basic web services fully realized rather than being a project on the side that receives intermittent attention

      • It's less about building a robust mobile integration with OMRS, but more about exposing API through robust web services

      • Mike McKay and Jeff Rafter are putting together offline version of OMRS that will interface with API in asynchronous way and in connection with the database that will connect with remote servers (phones)

        • Spoke database allows us to interact with a slightly fuller OMRS experience remotely, but then we have to essentially come back and sync with the full OMRS database

      • Web client, concept management, concept searching, patient creation: Is there a way for us to build a Road Map for these services?

    • Feedback:

      • The biggest complaint is access to data

        • The problem is the decision/logic layer and how the mobile systems can get information query statuses to trigger its own messaging back to the remote people

      • 1.9 Process

        • To identify the web service improvements and allow mobile people to input their requirements

    • Consensus:

      • Support for mobile device needs to receive double the effort

    • Conclusion:

      • Focus on support for web services to make sure the needs of the mobile community are being met

      • Document the leading applications and how people can more easily integrate with OMRS

      • Follow up on process again in two weeks