2012-02-09 Leadership Conference Call

2012-02-09 Leadership Conference Call


9 February 2012

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Michael Downey
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith



Topic Leader(s)





Topic Leader(s)




Annual Leadership Meeting

@Dawn Seymour



Purpose: Finalise tickets & Hackathon

Organizing Features from Implementations

@Dawn Seymour


Road Map

Purpose: Next Wednesday, we'll organise the features received from implementations to build up backlog for future sprints

Code Bounties: Follow-up Discussion

@Paul Biondich



Purpose: Follow up on the thread about code bounties in open source communities and their impact on volunteerism

Seattle Discussion

@Andrew Kanter



Purpose: Talk about ways in which OpenMRS can be involved

Meeting Minutes

Annual Leadership Meeting

  • Design-a-thon: Order Entry on 7 March

    • Darius, Ben, Mike, Paul, Burke for design-a-thon

    • Darius fly in Tuesday evening

  • Topics: Code Bounties and policies around that

Organizing Features from Implementations

  • We'll start fleshing out, categorizing, and prioritizing the features next Wednesday.

Code Bounties

  • Paul sent out an email to the Foundations mailing list about code bounties in open source communities and the impact on volunteerism

    • Paul will send shortened version to the leadership group

    • Michael: The question to ask is if we want to be the management team for these transactions or not

  • Organizations that have developers seconded to work on OpenMRS, we ask not to offer finances on tickets themselves or public forums. Yet, we can create a defined place to have that opportunity.

    • Darius: What about a bulletin board?

      • Paul: Might be better to have a neutral one that's not specifically related to OpenMRS

      • Michael: We could have a link on OpenMRS that sends people to a different site for opportunities

Seattle Discussion

  • Andy: We have some scale-up projects that are possible using the mobile piece. Primarily Commcare and MOTECH.

    • A nation-wide scale-up in Ethiopia could miss an OpenMRS integration unless we make that clear

    • Andy will talk with Paul and Darius to find a way to compose a solution

    • A technical meeting is also needed to define the gaps

      • Some design time with Darius and Paul would be helpful to fill in these gaps