2010-06-17 Developers Conference Call


17 June 2010

In Attendance



Roadmap Review


  • Are there any Hibernate experts willing to investigate multi-level database caching? Darius will check at Thoughtworks.

  • What is a large dataset? Burke's thoughts: 2 million patients, 2000 concepts, 200 obs/pt, etc.

  • Paul proposed anonymizing patient data in the AMRS production dataset, and the consensus seemed to agree.

  • Next week's design call will look at how to do this anonymization.

  • The testing/evaluation should be designed to understand software vs. hardware constraints.


  • Leadership team will release more information on improved mobile data collection and support for hospital systems within the next few weeks.


  • Darius will soon send out an e-mail requesting input on user requirements.

  • Paul is urging work on 2.0 to begin soon and not wait for 1.9 to finish. The scope is too big to not parallelize.

1.7 Release Update

  • The group discussed each of the outstanding issues for 1.7, got status on each, and updated the tickets.

  • Transactions for logic rules will be discussed in next week's design review meeting.

  • The Windows installer will not delay alpha, but should be released along with 1.7.0.


  • Next week's Summer of Code presentations will be 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A.
