2008-05-08 Developers Conference Call


8 May 2008

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Brian McKown

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Eric Manders

  • Joaquin Blaya

  • Mike Seaton

  • Darius Jazayeri


  • OIP Updates

  • Chris Seebregt's update on openmrs conference


  • Paul had fun in Hawaii – without wife and son, unfortunately.

  • Chris is running out of scholarship money...will be knocking on some more doors.

  • Next steps for invites, etc for the OpenMRS conference were discussed

  • The conference organizers want a schedule ahead of time, so we can't do the normal openmrs unconference setup

  • Chris is working on the developer codefest and will be more of an unconference

    • some mini tutorials will be sprinkled in there

  • There is a very large marathon in Durban on the 16th. that means hotel space is limited because everyone and their dog is needing a room.

  • As soon as Burke/Paul give Chris word on their calendars he can book flights for the RG crew

  • Brian asked about the return value for purgeThing(Thing). It was "decided" on the dev list to just use void as the return value.

  • Brian gave updated on complex obs

  • Darius will get his FormService api refactoring done over the weekend

  • The api service template needs to be verified. See ___ and put your comments there

  • Darius is putting a BMI calculation into the defaultPortletController...unfortunately