@Rafal Korytkowski and @Nicholas Ingosi have started subscription module
@Rafal Korytkowski and @Nicholas Ingosi should be tracking progress via sprint board and standups on IRC
There should be a project catch up around what is happening and how it fits in at an engineering level with the overall technical roadmap
Darius suggests standup weekly with engineering team to be clear on paths teams are taking going forward, use some design call time
Burke suggests project teams make work more transparent using JIRA for ticket management thus benifical because teams will be more organized
Agreed that projects should have wiki page, dashboard of WIP, participate in daily scrums, each iteration a showcase on design call or dev forum - technical lead would be in charge of making sure this happens
Daniel suggests adding some incentatives for teams as people may find these contributions to be a hinderance to production
Ideas for where teams can benefit: community resource directed to help, using JIRA to stay more organized, community dev swim lane lead can queue up blocker
@Burke Mamlin will create a strawman around expectations for core community projects and the community - start with OCL-CEIL subscription module
How to track we are on track with these types of projects?