2010-05-06 Leadership Conference Call


6 May 2010

How To Join

Contact Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance


  • Review Previous Minutes

  • Organization Update (10 mins)

  • Implementer's Meeting 2010 (15 mins)

  • 1.8 & 1.9 Design Stuff (10 mins)

  • OpenMRS / CUI Integration Discussion (15 mins)

  • OpenMRS Internship Program (10 mins)


Organization Update

  • Virtual

    • Indiana University machine is up and running

      • More for staging purposes also hosting the track site

    • Oregon State University's Open Source Lab

      • Will support infrastructure long term

    • Next step is to port old information over to new site

Implementers Meeting

  • Two motions:

    • 1) Follow the trend/roadmap to Version 2.0 of OpenMRS

    • 2) Keep implementer's meeting structured in such a way to optimize opportunity to engage people coming to Medinfo

  • ACTION: Chris S. will complete a proposal and send it to Dawn and Paul in regard to agenda and events (hackathon, training, etc.)

1.8 / 1.9 Design Conversation

  • 1.8

    • Focuses on improving performance

  • 1.9

    • Focuses on the features

      • 1.9 will be revisited for discussion on 20 May 2010

CUI Discussion

OpenMRS Internship Program