2009-08-06 Developers Conference Call


6 August 2009

In Attendance

  • Justin Miranda

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Nareesa Mohammed

  • Win Ribeka

  • Brian McKown

  • Zeshan Rajput

  • Hamish Fraser


  • Status of synch

  • Talk about DTO design for 2.0

  • Data model design discussion option(s): archive:Ticket #65

  • A patch to liquibase jar to speed up changesets: liquibase forum

  • OpenMRS Roadmap

  • Mockups that Justin is working on


  • Synch has no updates until hackathon.

    • Maros is putting together a written plan for the hackathon.

  • DTO design for 2.0 - Done.

    • Get to world where hibernate magic stays at service level and below.

  • Liquibase patch

  • Data model design re: archive:Ticket #65

    • Allow duplicate Patient Identifiers depending upon Identifier Type and/or location

    • TODO: Ben will make an intro ticket for this.

  • Road Map

    • Dedicate once a month on Developers Conference Call to discuss Road Map

      • Discuss adjustments, whether we are staying true to Road Map, etc.