2010-07-08 Leadership Conference Call


8 July 2010

How To Join

Contact Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Andy Kanter

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


  • Organization Update (10 minutes)

  • Hospital EMR Systems based on the OpenMRS Platform (15 minutes)

    • Hamish Fraser

  • OpenMRS Implementers Meeting (15 minutes)

    • Chris Seebregts

Meeting Minutes

  • Organization Update

    • Dawn is collecting information from the leadership group and supporting organizations to submit into the business plan

    • Still pursuing legal support for clarification and to tie up legal aspects

    • ACTION: looking to submit all documentation for 501(c)(3) status by 1 August 2010

  • Hospital EMR Systems

    • Hamish is in contact with several groups (i.e. HISP India, Christian Health Association of Kenya, Zanzibar, etc.) to assess common requirements

    • 1.9 Road Map___Support for Hospital Systems

      • Support for visits (grouping of encounters)

      • More realized support for order entry

      • Richer support for orders at API level

      • UI support for simple drug orders which utilizes above API

      • Documentation of interaction points with ancillary systems (pharmacy, radiology, ADT, etc)

  • OpenMRS Implementers Meeting

    • Reviewed budget allocation

      • Looking to modify monetary distribution to create more scholarships for participant attendance