2015-01-15 Developers Forum
2015-01-15 Developers Forum
How to Join
- Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
- Process for keeping track of components, libraries, dependencies
- #MOZ15 OpenMRS-DHIS2 hackathon pre-planning
- Review next meeting agenda
OpenMRS Developers Forum 2015-01-15
- Michael Downey
- Parker Erway
- Burke Mamlin
- Ryan Yates
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Pierre Dane
- Hannes Jembi
- Maurya
- Sara Armson
- Pascal Brandt
- Brett Ausmeier
- Karl Wurst
- Sharon Varghese
- Bhavana _
- Wyclif Luyima
- Darius Jazayeri
- Paul Biondich
- Uzanysa _
- Akash Agrawall
- Mike Seaton
- Cosmin Ioan
- Alexis _
- Rafal Korytkowski
- Tharunya _
- Kmit Satwikreddy
Agenda & Notes
- Review TODOs from last week
- Run through strategy for each OpenMRS 2.2 distributed module on design forum soon (Jamie Thomas)
- Invite Bahmni team to present their OpenERP integration as a form of billing support OOB for OpenMRS RA (Jamie Thomas)
- Invite PIH to present "2.0-ified" appointment module for potential RA integration
- TODO: Put out a call for volunteer OpenMRS 2.2 release manager (?)
- TODO: get Wyclif in touch with David & Audrey to coordinate sprint kickoff time. (?)
- Process for keeping track of components, libraries, dependencies (40 minutes)
- Darius: Realizing we're behind isn't enough. We need people to make sure upgrades are getting done, tested, etc.
- Example: Jackson JSON library. In OpenMRS Platform 1.10 we are using 1.5.0 (from 3/2010). In 1.11 we will be using 1.9.13 (from 7/2013), they have released 2.5.
- Reasons to upgrade
- What do we gain?
- New devs will be used to contemporary libraries, not really old ones
- How much work will it take?
- Is it backwards compatible?
- Issues
- Backwards incompatibilities can be introduced
- Smaller (less popular) libraries - can be challenging to get documentation on old versions
- Potential approaches to identify the work needed
- Upstream coordinator? (April 2014) https://groups.google.com/a/openmrs.org/d/topic/dev/VXvPiAO5fhM/discussion
- TODO: Burke to define the explicit role and look for someone(s) to fill it
- Use topic fest to schedule discussions
- Create a database/table/document to track libraries (version used & current stable release)
- This could probably be scripted – i.e., given a list of specific libraries, scan POM in core or distributed module source, then grep the latest stable release version
- TODO: See if we could make a script
- TODO: Suranga to share output of version diff for CORE with dev list
- Review library versions as part of release process
- Create tickets to upgrade library version
- Potiential approaches for getting the work done (i.e., actually get us upgraded)
- Assign a dev to a spike
- Research release notes for library from version used to current release
- Try upgrading library and see what breaks
- Test existing modules
- Include library upgrade as part of sprint when working toward a release
- Include library upgrades in menu of "ways to help" when dev group or class asks how they could help
- Allow & encourage pull requests that upgrade a library (will need to notify module owners)
- Maximize the work & upgrading that can happen in modules
- Investigate whether using a newer version of a core dependency (e.g., Jackson or XStream) into a module will work.
- Use GSoC for larger upgrades iff we believe that there is a 90% or better chance of success
- #MOZ15 OpenMRS-DHIS2 hackathon pre-planning (14 minutes)
- See attendee list below.
- "People who will be there"
- Darius (who hasn't registered)
- Mike
- Wyclif will be leaving early
- Burke won't be there
- Suranga leaves mid Sunday
- Willa
- Hannes will attend on Saturday
- Schedule: Saturday (31 January) 09:00 until Sunday (1 February) 13:00
- Potential Goals
- DHIS2: Originally planned to participate but their DHIS2 Academy event was cancelled
- Ask Mozambique devs/implementers (via Pascal?)
- Strategy
- TODO: Burke will create a Talk topic on deciding goals/expectations of hackathon as well as determining expertise of attendees
- TODO: Pascal will talk to group from Mozambique to get ideas/goals
- After Action Review
- What did you expect to happen?
- Doing the after action review
- What actually happened?
- ..
- What can we do better?
- Do the after action review
- Preview next week
- Input on community policy for ownership & support/maintenance of modules
Current #MOZ15 Hackathon Registered Attendees:
- Adelino Covane
- Brett Ausmeier
- Chris Paton
- Christopher Seebregts
- Damasceno Lopes
- Domingos Bernardo
- Dupuy Rony Charles
- Edias Jambaia
- Ellen Ball
- Hannes Venter
- Hélio Machabane
- Horacio Mondlane
- João Machiana
- Jose Chauque
- Judy Gichoya
- Lucio Baptista
- Marcelino Mugai
- Mario Somrei
- Mark Goodrich
- Martins Miranda
- Md Hasanuzzaman
- Michael Seaton
- Nelson Mahumane
- Oreste Parlatano
- Paulo Matsinhe
- Pierre Dane
- Pinto Manhiça
- Roberta Pastore
- Samuel Mbugua
- Shrikrishna Singh Bhati
- Suranga Kasthurirathne
- Valério João
- Vincent Ndazima
- Wayne Naidoo
- Wesley Brown
- Willa Mhawila
- Wyclif Luyima
- Darius Jazayeri
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
, multiple selections available,
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