2010-12-02 Leadership Conference Call
2 December 2010
How To Join
Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.
In Attendance
Paul Biondich
Hamish Fraser
Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe
OpenMRS Implementers Meeting - Next Steps (20 min)
Non-profit (20 min)
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
OpenMRS Implementers Meeting
Working with IDRC and additional philanthropies to provide funding for the meetings
Meeting Details
One or two meetings each year
Two meetings: both focus on implementers, but one may have more of a road map focus and the other community building
We need a location to accommodate enough individuals
Action Items
Darius will start a working group to propose meeting options
Board of Directors
Community Board Member Election started this Monday, 29 November and will continue until Sunday, 12 December
Remaining Board Members - One will come from each of the supported organizations
Supported Organizations include:
Partners in Health
Indiana University - Center on Global Health
World Health Organization
All Board members to be finalized together in order to review and approve the Bylaws