2010-11-04 Leadership Conference Call

2010-11-04 Leadership Conference Call


04 November 2010

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Hamish Fraser
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Burke Mamlin
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe


Nonprofit Updates

  • Timeline

  • Discuss ballot, announcement, voting dates...

Meeting Minutes


  • 2010 mHealth Summit and AMIA

    • Briefly discussed who is attending and if there will be a small meeting for OpenMRS individuals

Nonprofit Updates

  • Officers

    • These were outlined in the BCG report. We need to finalize these roles to make the concrete.

  • Road Map

    • Needs to be updated for directional purposes

    • Will need one-year work plan for each program activity

  • OpenMRS,LLC

    • Must dissolve this to legally come out of Regenstrief

    • Can set papers to dissolve OpenMRS,LLC the day after OpenMRSII is set by the State of Indiana (Note: OpenMRSII is just an example name, not the actual name. It indicates that the new OpenMRS entity exists, now standing independently of Regenstrief)

      • OpenMRSII can use OpenMRS as its DBA (do business as) name. That way, nothing is lost.

  • Trademark

    • Legally we have to sell that over to the new organization, but that can be done with minimal cost (i.e. $1USD)

  • Implementer Voting

    • Michael created a ballot to use

    • Discussed ways to monitor who is voting - entering OpenMRS ID, etc.

    • Once the ballot is complete and some modifications made to the announcement, we will send the items to the nominees for final review before posting to the site for the community