2013-06-13 Leadership Call
2013-06-13 Leadership Call
Jamie Thomas
Owned by Jamie Thomas
How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
Leads Present Role
- Hamish Fraser (15 min)
- Q&A (10 min)
- Burke Mamlin (15 min)
- Q&A (10 min)
Meeting Minute
Leads Present Role
- Hamish Fraser - Evaluation and Impact Role
- Organized the IRS responses that went out last week
- System monitoring project for Rwanda - to improve monitoring systems
- Need to evaluate the current designs to see if it is adequate - there will be a call around this
- Hamish also will email the implmenters list to get some feedback on what others have done
- Burke says that engineering would like to put together a system for change monitoring for OMRS core.
- Been looking at evaluation broadly
- training on ehealth and mhealth systems
- teaching tutorial and MedInfo
- unformally been evaluating reference application in Mirebalis
- OMRS needs to strengthen standards and protocols for what successful implementations look like and what troubles less successful implementations are having
- Believe there is value in creating an outreach to cultivate research activites for
- Burke Mamlin
- First offical OMRS Reference Application team hangout was today
- Things have been focused on reference application and so the sprint scheduling has been off track - may need to be made self sustaining
- Have been having discussions about moving the license over
- Dedicated development swim lane approach - looking at Kanban with helping to push things forward. Kanban is a system to control the logistical chain from a production point of view
- Kanban used in a storyboard - http://www.agileproductdesign.com/blog/2009/images/kanban_board.jpg
- Kanban vs. Scrum - http://www.crisp.se/file-uploads/Kanban-vs-Scrum.pdf
- Would like to measure metrics for what we are doing well in development - report back to the community
- Darius would like design time for stories to be written
ThoughtWorks Meeting
- Indy June 11-12 w/ David Walton - Director Global Health & Tiffany Lentz - Project Manager
- TW will be working in Nepal with IRD
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