2011-01-20 Leadership Conference Call

2011-01-20 Leadership Conference Call


20 January 2011

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

Paul Biondich
Darius Jazayeri
Andy Kanter
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe


Strategic Planning for 2011 OpenMRS Conferences (20 min)

Upcoming Leadership Meeting -- logistics, agenda (20 min)

Training Update (10 min)

Meeting Minutes

Strategic Planning for 2011 OpenMRS Conferences

  • June meeting will be a satellite meeting, not the main OpenMRS meeting

    • Do we want to have time to provide consultation for implementers and implementation sites?

      • Consideration: may drive us into geographical areas that can afford consulting services, not necessarily those who need it most

  • Working with contacts to find out the date and location of HELINA 2001

Upcoming Leadership Meeting -- logistics, agenda

  • Proposed Agenda Items

    • Next iterations on road map releases

      • Dawn will send surveys out to community about what features they want to see.

        • Survey will essentially be a "Top 10 List"

    • Conversations around the nonprofit organization and how academic settings can collaborate

    • Discuss the 2011 OpenMRS meetings in greater detail

  • Will continue to brainstorm for additional agenda items

Training Update

  • Darius will provide a 10-hour training via Skype for a group in Columbia

    • Ideas:

      • For this training and in the future find a way to record trainings and make it available to the community