[ARCHIVED] Bahmni Hub and Spoke Model
Archived Project
This page was archived as of Mar 4 2022. The information on this page may not be up-to-date or maintained.
Primary mentor | |
Backup mentor | N/A |
Assigned to | N/A |
The aim of this project is to provide data synchronization capabilities in Bahmni for Mobile Medical Units and Satellite Clinics, supporting parent-child synchronization of multiple instance of Bahmni, where management is done primarily at a central site, but patients are seen at many clinics in a hospital network.
This will be achieved by leveraging the work done in OpenMRS' Sync 2.0 project, to ensure that these features can be used in Bahmni to provide sync capabilities.
The Sync 2.0 technical approach uses FHIR and atomfeeds to provide the following:
one Parent OpenMRS server, and multiple Child OpenMRS servers.
Parent defines all metadata and configuration (and children synchronize this).
Children synchronize a subset of patients with Parent (e.g. those in the catchment area of one clinic) and push data on these patients
Children initiate all synchronization, based on:
reading an atom feed published by Parent, pulling more data for any events of interest
pushing data that is entered on the Child
The goal of this project is to integrate the Sync 2.0 features into Bahmni to provide data synchronization for hub and spoke implementation models.
Project Champions
Skills Needed
Java & Javascript
Experience working with RESTful Web Services
Desired: Basic knowledge and/or experience with FHIR
To be confirmed - the objectives for this project will be to integrate Sync 2.0 features into Bahmni to provide data synchronization for hub and spoke implementation models.
Extra Credit
Concept Note: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qUk4qP5MnbU1hROWl7Dt-2Ds1EcCS2RCL2knAttz4gE
Analysis Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/155dbImwbyG4m4gq4tcijslVyO1Effo53LLrdG8UoTJs
Discussion on this topic: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/mobile-medical-unit-satellite-clinic-discussion/8235
Trello Ticket: https://trello.com/c/SC1AONae/62-allow-for-providers-to-subscribe-for-sms-notifications-in-bahmni