Convert Operation Theater Module to an OWA with REST API
Primary Mentor | @Chanuka Wijayakoon |
Secondary Mentor | @Suthagar Kailayapathy |
Assigned To | Â |
The Operation Theater module facilitates the management of theater procedures and related data collection. It has a scheduling engine based on Optaplanner library for scheduling procedures among available operation theaters. It allows users to collect data about the procedure & patient throughout the procedure's workflow.
Currently it runs on OpenMRS platform 2.6 or higher with Java 8. Its UI is built with GSP. The module does not have a REST API. This project aims to first write a new REST API for the module and subsequently create a new user interface with React, converting it to an OWA.
Implement a REST API for the tasks done by the Operation Theater Module.
Create a new UI for the module, converting the module to an Open Web App (OWA).
Secondary (Optional, as time permits)
Formalize the data collection concepts and officially add them to CIEL Concept Dictionary.
Update the surgery scheduler - use the latest version of Optaplanner and rewrite the scheduling engine.
Required Skill Set
The module backend is implemented in Java and the new front-end should be built with the OpenMRS React component set. Hence, the following skills are necessary;
Maven build tool
Java - Spring + Hibernate
Knowledge on RESTful APIs
ReactJS ( + Redux may be needed, depending on the implementation)
OpenMRS Open Web Apps (OWA)
You are expected to get familiar with the OpenMRS platform and module interaction, as this module uses Allergy API for fetching the allergy information of a patient.
Reference Material
Go through the links below to set up the module and get started. Use OpenMRS talk for any queries.
GSoC 2017 material on migrating the Operation Theater Module