Global Product Support Team Activities (ARCHIVED)


(Full Community Roadmap here)




Problem/Team Name

Feature Complete Outpatient O3

Managing Multiple Implementations at Scale

Performance at Scale


Problem/Team Name

Feature Complete Outpatient O3

Managing Multiple Implementations at Scale

Performance at Scale


Problems To Solve


Make installing as easy as possible, without a dev team to deploy. Need something simpler than docker for non-tech deployers. 

All OMRS FHIR resources are compliant with the IPS. However there are some things the IPS asks for that we don't yet have a story for:

  • 'medicationStatements' (pt-supplied med list). Need non-ordered Meds represented in our system. 

  • 'Procedures' - needs OMRS support (could be a clearly labelled concept set)

  • Task resource - need to redesign how FHIR module implements tasks

  • DiagnosticReports modelling

  • Programs - eg episodeOfCare request from UgEMR - supposed to track pt across multiple encounters. Currently being used in contradicting ways. 

Implementations need to be more involved in how we model things with FHIR↔OMRS data model because current FHIR modelling lead isn't directly involved in Implementations - e.g.: Diagnostic Reports: Supposed to be FHIR representation of a doc from the lab. We've gone back and forth on how that's implemented, eg as way of implementing obs groups → means diagnostic reports have become their own separate table which no one seems to be using. 

Frontend Team milestones


Review of the calls we're making and how we can make those much more efficient. 


QA Team milestones




Backend Team milestones


Enhance REST API Performance (Fewer API calls needed): Instead of 40 requests from FE, want 1 request that carries multiple things. We have multiple APIs that can do that but need to be extended or refactored for higher quality. Eg: Encounter info bundling. Eg: Order basket: searching for a drug creates >40 requests instantly - won't function well under poor wifi. 




Recent Work Completed


What We're Working on Today


Next Priorities*


Preliminary Security Scan

Scanning OpenMRS 3 RefApp w BurpSuite



O3 Performance Spike (esm-core v5)

Improvements to setup-OpenMRS, caching, FHIR query efficiency. Includes big release of esm-core v5 with breaking changes, and helping implementers migrate to this updated version of the O3 framework. 

Next: Service Worker, Caching mechanisms

   Ian  Dennis  Raff