OMRS Implementer's Planning Committee (Archive)

Meeting Schedule

Every Tuesday (excluding holidays) between April and December from 9:00am-10:00am United States Eastern Time zone, regardless of whether standard or daylight saving time is being observed. See a list of time zone conversions.

Who Is Invited?

All members of the OpenMRS community that serve in a leadership capacity. That is, they dedicate a significant amount of their time in service of other members of the OpenMRS community.

How To Join

Contact Christine Gichuki for more information.

Community meetings and events use one of two conferencing tools: Uberconference or Zoom. Below is general information and helpful hints for connecting to a conference call or meeting.

OpenMRS Meetings

Be Prepared for Your Meeting

  • Confirm the conference connection information for your meeting. This information can be found in the meeting or event details on our OpenMRS Calendar, weekly What's Happening Talk post, and on a squad or team's Wiki page.
  • Consider connecting via telephone/VoIP for best audio quality.
  • If connecting via computer, be sure your network has the audio/video bandwidth you need.
  • Before attending or presenting via computer, try the web browser microphone/speaker test.
  • Read the UberConference support pages for troubleshooting or contact them in case of problems.

Be Considerate of Others

  • Please be on time for your meeting, and end on time.
  • Be sure to confirm (and add) your meeting time on the Community Meeting Calendar to ensure others aren't using the service at the same time.
  • Please don't schedule meetings "back to back". Allow time for one meeting to wrap up before the next meeting begins.

Hints for using Zoom:

  • Use the Zoom short link to join a call quickly
  • If you are ever prompted for a passcode, simply respond with "1"
  • If you are directed to the “Indiana University Login” page, try to Join a Meeting - Zoom, put in the meeting code (available in the event detail on our calendar), and then using our passcode when prompted. You can also try using the Zoom app on your mobile or desktop.

Hints for using Uberconference calls:

  • We have one, shared Uberconference number. Please check our calendar to make sure the Uberconference link is available before scheduling a call using Uberconference.
  • The conference line is a shared resource for our community's use in our open source projects. Please do not use it for 3rd-party or personal meetings.
  • Uberconference currently does not support screen share. If you plan to share screens and want to record the screen share, consider using Zoom instead. 

To Do:

  • Approve Budget
  • Secure Venue
  • Invitation Letters
  • Begin promotion
  • Sponsorships
  • Scholarships


Operational Plan: Progress of Planning Committee