(ARCHIVED) Quality Assurance RoadMap

This page has been ARCHIVED as of July 2024. 

 QA RoadMap

All of these items are:

  • available to all community members to pick up and work on.
  • Learning materials and tutorials are available here.
Quality Assurance Levels

(tick) Done

Recent Work Completed

(plus) Now

What We're Working on Today

(lightbulb) Next

Next Priorities*

E2E Fronted end/UI Tests

Reference Application 2.X Test Automation

  • Resurrection of old selenium tests.
  • Automation of E2E user workflows.
  • Automation of missing feature tests.


Reference Application 3.X Test Automation

  • Automation of E2E 3.X user workflows


API Tests and Interoperbility Test

Rest API  Test Automation

  • Automation of 14 API tests.


Code Analysis: Linting ,Reliability & Security.

Security XSS vulnerability Testing

  • Automation XSS vulnerability tests.



Quality Assurance RoadMap

Oct2019NovDecJan2020FebMarAprMayJunMarker 1MarkerMarker
Activity 1: Suite of manual test scripts
Activity 2: Automated tests
Activity 3:Implementer Acceptance Testing SOP
Activity 4: Pilot & Dissemination

Published portfolio of documented test scripts with test data sets to conduct manual QA testing

Published protocol for conducting manual testing for software release

Road map for additional development of test scripts for lower priority use cases and workflows

Automated testing framework published with the OpenMRS Github repository

Automated test roadmap for additional test case development

Documentation for testing framework and development of test cases published on the OpenMRS wiki

Published SOP for engaging implementers and conducting acceptance testing for releases

Pilot protocol developed

Pilot report of the new QA processes and tools
