Demo Data

Download demo data

A sample anonymized data set, including 5,000 patients and 500,000 observations, is available for the following Platform releases (note that demo data for OpenMRS Platform releases and will not work for OpenMRS Reference Application releases): For the OpenMRS Reference Application, just set the setting named "referencedemodata.createDemoPatientsOnNextStartup" to the number of demo patients you want created and restart the application.

The setting "referencedemodata.createDemoPatientsOnNextStartup" is accessible through the new UI via Home > System Administration > Manage Global Properties. It is also accessible through the old admin UI > Maintenance > Advanced Settings.

Please note that if you want to use demo data on your OpenMRS, the version of the system and demo data should match. For example, to have demo data 2.2.1, you should install OpenMRS 2.2.1 or lower versions.

When installing this demo data, the initial password for the user 'admin' is 'Admin123'. You should change the password after installing the demo data.

Use the following MySQL queries to create your database and import the data, then deploy OpenMRS:

(It might be a good idea to make a backup of your existing database first)

sql> use database_name; sql> source demo-1.10.0.sql

Download large demo data

This is a very large dataset that can require a long time to install and/or upgrade. We include for developers needing to do performance testing; however, in most cases, the smaller demo datasets will not only meet your needs, but will be less painful/slow to work with. This large demo data set contains thousands of patients and the addition of program data.