2023-06 March OpenMRS Virtual Mini Community Meeting

Please note

Today's session is cancelled as we were able to complete all the planned activities in yesterday's session. If you missed any sessions, the recording would be available from Monday, 20 March 2023.



  March 2023 Mini-community Meeting

Sharing and demoing the great work being done in the community and by implementations.

                Lighting Talks | Implementers Showcase | SQUAD Showcase

        Join us on 15th, 16th & 17th March


The OpenMRS mini-community meetings are periodic gatherings that aim to provide transparency and insight into the ongoing community projects. The meeting takes place for three days between 12pm to 3:30pm UTC. The three days are packed with squad presentations, lightning talks, plenary sessions and break out sessions.

Community members, implementations and partners are welcome to join and actively participate in the meeting through lighting talks and presentations.


  • Sharing and appreciating improvements made to OpenMRS.
  • Understanding the current community engagement processes.
  • Overview of the different community contribution paths.
  • Sustainability: What is next in terms of the product and community roadmaps.


Lightning Talks

Share your ideas and experience! Demo what you've been working on! The only caveat? A 5-minute time limit.  Sign up below to book a slot:

Implementer's Showcase

Find out what OpenMRS implementers are working on this year! Each implementer will have 10 minutes. Sign up below: 

Squad Showcases

Squads get to share what they have achieved since the last meeting.

Each squad and team will have 10 minutes strictly. In preparation for this, each squad is required to provide a short context and a quick update on the progress made or plans for the year.

Below is a link where squad and team leads can add their presentation.



Tag your tweets with @OpenMRS or #OpenMRS - so we can like and retweet your tweets!

Email Update List



  • NigeriaMRS

  • UCSF - MamboETL

  • METS Uganda
  • Palladium


  • Tap the registration button below
  • Proceed to register via our set up.


Upon successful registration you will automatically receive a personalised Zoom link, shared on email. There is also a link provided which you can use to add the event to your calendar.

Note: Our meeting schedule is dynamic. Actual times for showcases may vary, depending on availability of presenters.


Topics and themes include:

  1. Shared technical approaches (packaging, reporting, form schema)
  2. Upstream contributions to OpenMRS.
  3. Showcases on Care, Configuration, Communication.
  4. Implementation Experiences & Showcases.


 Wednesday 15th March

Wednesday 15th March

Full recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_kodgdefp

Your Local Time

Time (UTC)Duration


12:0020 Mins

Welcome | Opening

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_l9nw70c6

12:2040 Mins

Plenary Session: Product Dashboard and Priorities. 

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_7evnz85y

13:0050 MinsCare & Configuration: OpenMRS 3.0

10 Mins

Microfronted/OpenMRS 3.0 Squad

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_9sypm9cy

10 Mins

Technical Action Committee


10 Mins

Platform Team

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_srmgefvu

10 Mins

Implementer Showcase: MamboETL

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_e4yanwsg

10 Mins

Implementer Showcase: NigeriaMRS

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_9h3caofl

13:5020 minsBreak

14:1030 MinsImplementer Experience Showcase

10 Mins

QA Support Team

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_7fkmk5g5

10 Mins

Implementer Experience Showcase: EGPAF

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_5x8pk2ul

10 Mins

Special Presentation on System Security: Secure Software Development

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_xiixgitg

14:5015 MinsAfter action review and close for the day
 Thursday 16th March

Thursday 16th March

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_k7swuzvy

Your Local Time

Time (UTC)Duration


12:0020 Mins

Intro to the Day


12:2040 Mins

Plenary Session

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_54wmz7ql

13:0050 minutesIntegrations and Standards

10 Mins

Dictionary Manager Squad


10 Mins

FHIR squad: FHIR IG Guidelines


10 Mins

SMART & CDs Squad


10 Mins

Implementation Showcase: Palladium


10 Mins

Implementation Showcase: METS

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_kxsgmex4

13:5015 MinsBreak

14:0530 Mins

Lightning Talks

Recording: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/t/1_bok11hg6

14:3515 MinsAfter action review and close

Friday 17th March: Cancelled