Community Management & Operations Team Notes

Notes Directory

Who is welcome: All members of the community interested in contributing to the overall strategic direction and operations of the OpenMRS community

Zoom link:

When: Thursdays 6 - 7pm EAT | 3 - 4pm UTC | 8:45 - 9:45pm NPT | Time Zone Converter

Holidays & Leave

See the week view of the OpenMRS Calendar for current out of office/on travel duty information for individual community members.

For Community Management & Operations regulars, here is a dynamic list of upcoming holidays, who is traveling, on leave, or generally away:

    • Grace: 3 - 10 February
    • Paul in Vietnam the week beginning 6th.
    • Christine: In Botswana for the month of February
    • Jen: Friday 17th February OOTO
    • Monday 20th February US holiday
    • Jen: Tuesday 21st February OOTO
    • Jen: April 1st - May 15th will take a week off
    • Jen: Sometime July and August