2023 Community Management and Operations Team Notes

Notes Directory

Who is welcome: All members of the community interested in contributing to the overall strategic direction and operations of the OpenMRS community

Zoom link: https://om.rs/zoomso

When: Thursdays 6 - 7pm EAT | 3 - 4pm UTC | 8:45 - 9:45pm NPT | Time Zone Converter

Holidays & Leave

  • Jen: OOTO sometime July and August
  • Christine: Leave in June

Action Items

A dynamic list of action items, reviewed every Thursday.

Annual report related

  • Jennifer: Publish Annual Report on the website
  • All: Review the Get Involved page on the website & identify gaps
  • All: Note any specific ways that the community can contribute to add to the annual report


  • Christine: Update website
  • Erica: Look at the trackers that Christine shared.


  • Erica: See if there is any SOW needed for the June travel: GG travel
  • Jennifer: Signing of GG agreement


  • Erica: GSOD payment application
  • Erica: AWS application by May 15
  • Erica: AP report by update by 3rd week of the month
  • Erica: AR report by update by 1st week of the month
  • Jennifer: Talk to Jenny to grant Erica access to Xero by first week of May when Jenny is back.
  • Erica: Set up GG budget tracker before end of May
  • Erica: GG funder code 

Wiki and Website

  • Jennifer: Share list of wiki pages that the C&O team will maintain. Ongoing
  • Jennifer and Christine: Consider putting video clips on wiki, website and YouTube.
  • Jennifer: Take the lead in scheduling monthly check-ins for wiki and website housekeeping.


  • All: Brainstorm on what kind of financial/budget info can help the community see where we are in terms of our funding including in-kind contributions.

July 2023


Attendees: Jennifer AntillaErica Kigotho Juliet Wamalwa 



  • ANC DAK deliverables & final report
  • APs for the week
  • OMRS23
    • Finances
    • Sponsorships
    • Scholarships

June 2023


Attendees: Jennifer AntillaErica Kigotho Juliet Wamalwa 



  • Announcements
  • DS QA Workplan & Deliverables Review
  • Finance Check In
    • Travel expense reimbursements: Done 
    • UW DS QA invoice: Done and sent out today, June 8, 2023
    • Bahmni-SNOMED invoice: To be sent out today June 8, 2023
  • AOB
    • AP's ready for approval. Pinging of next level approvers to begin after the call.

May 2023

No meetings held in May largely due to Program Travel.

April 2023


Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Recording: April 27, 2023


  • Announcements
  • Review Action Items
    • Christine: QA blog post by Thursday 6 April 2023
    • Jennifer: Update DS Global Guide Book by April,10 2023
    • Erica: Notice G SOW & Budget
    • Jennifer: Coordinate credit card updates and get access.
    • Erica: Create a spreadsheet that lists out vendors (Go Daddy, Mailchimp etc) gets paid on the credit card: who has the log in credentials
    • Jennifer: working with the various billing pages to update the information. 
    • Jennifer: Revise current C&O meeting agenda to make it better structured for more purposeful updates within the team and community at large
    • Jennifer: Once the agenda is set, invite community members to join as deemed relevant.
  • Past Holidays and Leaves
    • Christine: Easter holidays
    • Erica: Easter holidays
    • Grace: 3 - 10 February
    • Paul in Vietnam the week beginning 6th.
    • Christine: In Botswana for the month of February
    • Jen: Friday 17th February OOTO
    • Monday 20th February US holiday
    • Jen: Tuesday 21st February UTC OOTO from 5pm 
    • Jen: Thursday, 23 March 4pm-7pm UTC
    • Jen: April 7 -  April 14 
  • Grant Status & Support
    • TAP 
      • Y3 Annual & Quarterly Report Updates
      • Y4 Workplan Inputs
    • Notice G
      • GG travel: SOW submitted
      • Budget tracker needs to be set: Erica
      • AWS - Go through the google doc: Jennifer
      • Submit AWS by May 15: Erica and Jennifer
  • May Travel Coordination Updates
    • OpenHIE
    • Ethiopia Hackathon
    • GG Innovators Meeting
  • Finances
  • AOB

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla

Recording: April 20, 2023


  • Announcements
  • Review Action Items
  • Grant Status & Support
  • Finances
    • AP & AR Updates
  • Travel Tracking & Coordination

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Recording: April 6, 2023


  • Announcements
  • Review Action Items
  • Big Picture: Finance & Operations Meetings & Agendas
    • Reviewed the cadence and agreed to give it a shot
  • Grant Status & Support
  • Finances
    • AR Updates
      • Invoices ready and sent for  review. Should be sent out by April 10
  • AOB
    • Ethiopia pre-hackathon meeting moved to 3pm EAT
    • Recording

March 2023


Attendees: Meeting postponed

Recording: No recording


  • Announcements
  • Review Action Items
  • Big Picture: Finance & Operations Meetings & Agendas
  • Grant Status & Support
    • January - March 2023 Quarterly Reports: due April 10th: Easter Monday
    • DS Monthly Check in update
    • Notice G
      • AWS
      • GG Summit
  • Finances
    • Budget updates
      • OMRS23
      • TAP
    • Monthly Financial Review (March 31)
  • AOB
    • Update: Consultant amendments

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki  Erica Kigotho 

Recording: No recording


  • Announcements
  • Review Action Items
  • Annual Report
    • Jennifer: Get report out by March 31, 2023
  • Grant Status & Support
    • January - March 2023 Quarterly Reports: Process & Timeline
      • Due April 10th: Easter Monday
      • ANC DAK narrative and financial report ready and submitted to Jennifer for review.
    • ANC DAK amendment
      • Deliverable links & due date review: Jennifer to review info submitted by Erica and Suruchi and advise on way forward.
    • QA
      • Deliverable links
      • Ethiopia Hackathon
    • TAP Y3
      • Amendments: Will need to re-do budget with start date amendments. Possibly 7-month budget. Jennifer to confirm start date of agreement and thereafter we can amend accordingly. 
  • Finances
    • TAP Budget updates
    • OMRS23
    • AP Report Update
    • Up next: Monthly Financial Review (March 31)
  • AOB
    • Update: Consultant amendments

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki suruchi dhungana Erica Kigotho 

Recording: March 9, 2023


  • Review Action Items
    • Jennifer: Talk post about annual report. By 2/24
    • Jennifer/Erica: Email to implementing partners to request for data update with link to Github repo if it is publicly available.
    • Ongoing. By 20th February 2023
    • Christine: Non-technical contributions: remarkable non-code contributions. Ongoing
    • Jennifer: Reaching out to specific teams for broader audience for the community forum meetings.
    • Jennifer: TAP Y3 success story draft by 23 February 2023
    • Erica: ANC DAK blog post by Thursday 6 April 2023
    • Jennifer/Erica: TAP Budget by Friday 17 March 2023
    • Jennifer: Update DS links
    • Erica: Compiling travel budget template, updating Travel SOP and implementing the same for the Nigeria hackathon.
    • Erica: Set up google doc with wiki pages team will maintain disaggregated by roles.
    • Jennifer: To determine best way to inform community of OOTO days for key persons in the community
    • Jennifer and team: "Where is"... talk  post/spreadsheet or calendar
    • Erica: Look at Sonder/Mekom agreement with regards to deliverables.
    • Jennifer: Slack Erica Sonder/Mekom agreement
    • Budget and justification for the new funding information by Friday, March 17.
    • Erica: QA invoice needs to be prepared.
  • Announcements
    • OOO options: Dashboard, Talk post out, spreadsheet
      • Nigeria hackathon 
      • Ethiopia hackathon
      • Jury duty
      • Need to vote on the talk post that is out.
  • Grants Status & Support
    • ANC DAK updates
      • This was a bumper-ride quarter. Daniel succeeded with OpenMRS  module, designers on board  and actively interviewing users. Unfortunately no interviewing recording available. Design hoped to be complete by end of this quarter. More timelines indicated in the SMART guidelines  Wiki page.  Key blocker is review of Daniel's PR by Bryn. Hopefully this will be sorted before the end of the quarter. When modules are  ready,  user acceptance testing will be done. 
      • Jennifer: Slack Erica Sonder/Mekom agreement
      • Erica: Look at Sonder/Mekom agreement with regards to deliverables.
      • Suruchi: Let Jennifer or Erica know if she needs any assistance
    • TAP Y3:
      • Budget and justification for the new funding information by Friday, March 17.
      • This is good news and looking forward to receiving notifications by end of March 2023.
    • Nigeria & Ethiopia Hackathons
      • Nigeria hackathon coming up end of March 2023 to beginning April 2023
  • Updating our Travel SOPs
    • This to ensure that OpenMRS travels are better structured to make them more successful, easy to use, logistically supported and adherent to grants guidelines.
    • Erica: Update travel SOPs and implement with upcoming Nigeria hackathon.
  • Finance
    • Accounts Receivable: current status & upcoming.
    • Erica: QA invoice needs to be prepared.
    • Accounts Payables: Waiting for one but they have been notified. 
    • Credit Card updates
      • Expires end of this month.
      • Jennifer working with the various billing pages to update the information.  
      • Jennifer: Coordinate with Burke about credit card updates and get access.
      • All: Notify Jennifer is any major service is interrupted eg wiki
  • AOB
    • No meeting next week due to mini-meeting

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Recording: March 2, 2023


  • Review Action Items
  • Announcements
    • Jennifer: Follow with EGPAF by 9th March, 2023
  • Grants Status & Support
    • TAP Y3: Nigeria & Ethiopia Hackathons
    • ANC DAK updates
  • Finance
    • Accounts Receivable: current status & upcoming.
    • Accounts Payables
    • Overall financial status
  • Documentation: Wiki & Website
  • OOO Dashboard
    • Review the Community Engagement Meeting
    • Review Operation Dashboard
  • AOB
    • Christine: Brainstorm matrix for events: one that checks whether or not we are succeeding with goals set.

February 2023


Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Recording: February 23, 2023


  • Review Action Items
    • Jennifer: How are we growing: new orgs, how many current, active squads.
    • Jennifer: Catalogues OpenMRS Inc is in eg Digital Public Good recognition. We are approved...hooray
    • Jennifer and Erica: Updates from Talk, Discourse and Slack about work being done in the community (openly sharing, collaborating and learning)
      • Ongoing. By Friday 10 February
    • Jennifer and Erica: Funding success, winning award and writing proposals. Grants application folder in the google drive for reference.
      • Ongoing. By Thursday, 23rd February
    • Jennifer: Check in with Grace about attending  next C&O meeting on the 16th of February to give ANC DAK updates. By Monday, 20th February 2023.
    • Jennifer to reach  out to UCSF by Monday, 20th February 2023.
    • Jennifer: Follow up with Grace and Jayasanka about building local capacity on Monday, 20th February, 2023
    • Jennifer: Give a list of wiki pages to be maintained
    • Christine: Community events - annual report
    • Christine/Jennifer: Update content: top developers, hall of fame, special contribution to the community - not just about code.  Ongoing.  Deadline:  Friday 10th February 2023
    • Erica: Set up check-in meeting with Grace and Suruchi once Grace is back.
    • Erica: Set up FAIMER budget tracker
    • Christine: What impact are we having in OpenMRS ecosystem (OpenMRS Talent) by Friday 17 February 2023
    • Erica: Follow-up on FAIMER deliverables with Grace and Dimitri by Thursday 23 February, 2023
  • Announcements
    • None for today
  • Grants: Deliverables Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • DS check-in:
      • Need to have updated links: Att Jennifer
      • Blocker about  PR review was voiced. Awaiting  action from funders.
      • Design deliverables deadline accepted as  31 March 2023
      • Request to have a webinar on ANC DAK work being done. Grace and Jennifer discussing the when. Maybe have a tech dive of the same at the mini-meeting
      • Notice G received. Need to update global guide book. This may be used to give funding for  Darsalaam  meeting in May 2023.
    • Success Stories:
      • TAP Y3: Jennifer
      • QA: Christine 
      • ANC DAK: Erica
    • TAP Y3 (Jennifer)
      • Possible TAP retreat in April in Kenya. Details to follow.
      • Nigeria hackathon 27 Mar -  6 Apr. 
      • 27  April - 5 May for Ethiopia Hackathon
      • Budget estimates for the travel ongoing: Erica
    • FAIMER (Grace)
      • Two deliverables done done...
      • Two almost there
  • Finance
    • Accounts Receivable: current status & upcoming.
    • Accounts Payables
    • Overall financial status
  • CM/Ops Wiki  and Website: Lead  Jennifer
    • Set up the list in a google page - Global Events, Community Engagement, Operations, Website: Erica
    • Action depending on the roles
    • Review in the next meeting
    • Monthly check-ins about the same
  • AOB

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Recording: February 16, 2023


  • Review Action Items
  • Announcement
    • DS Notice G update: OpenMRS has been (re)approved as a Digital Global Good
  • Grants: Deliverables Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • Success Stories: TAP Y3, ANC DAK, QA (Jennifer) by 23 February 2023
    • TAP Y3 (Jennifer)
    • FAIMER (Grace)
    • ANC DAK (Grace & Suruchi)
    • QA Capacity (Jennifer and Jayasanka)
  • Finance
    • Accounts Receivable: current status & upcoming
  • CM/Ops Wiki

List of wiki pages the C&O team should maintain: 

    • Community Conventions
    • Weekly meetings
    • Travel Grant Program
    • Country and Community Strategic Priorities
    • Community Engagement Dashboard
    • Community Health Dashboard
    • Fundraising Wiki pages
    • Community Roles: Contact info, description
    • Community Management Role
    • Product Roles in  close collaboration with Grace
    • Global Events Manager Page
    • GSoC Admin Page
    • Diversity Page
    • Hiring and Recruitment Tips
  • "Where is?" Talk post or spreadsheet
  • AOB

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Recording: February 9, 2023


  • Review Action Items
    • Jennifer: Open up the C&O call. Calendar booking and talk posts 
    • Christine: Indicate Grace's leave on Talk
  • Newcomer Orientation Debrief
    • Very successful and well-attended
    • Consider putting video clips on wiki and website
  • Finance
    • Spend Plan/Budget Tracker 
    • AP: Allure payments by 16th February 2023.
    • AR: Confirm paid invoices, confirm pending invoices, confirm invoices to send
  • Grants: Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • FAIMER - Friday check in
    • QA Capacity - Country implementations
      • Workshop starting with Ethiopia hackathon
    • ANC DAK
    • TAP Y3 - SMART Guidelines
    • Bahmni-SNOMED updates
  • AOB
    • Website & Wiki Updates


Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Christine Gichuki Erica Kigotho 

Regrets: Nikesh

Recording link:  Not available


  • Review Action Items
    • Jennifer: Talk post by Monday
    • Reminder announcement by Monday for Feb 1 meeting
    • Prep for Wednesday's meeting (including newsletter, volunteer recognition ideas)
    • All: Agenda for the 3 community meeting clearly outlined
    • Jennifer/Erica: Nudge Paul and Jan about their piece for the annual report
    • Erica: Assign who is sending data form to Implementers from the hands 2022
    • Erica: After Jennifer sends out word to Burke, follow-up regarding  code contribution from organizations. 
    • Jennifer & Erica to meet on AR billing for January 31
    • Send out bills/financial reports to PATH for DS ANC & TAP, to UW for DS QA, SNOMED
    • Jennifer to send copy of contract to Deborah
    • Jennifer to draft & submit TAP QR
  • 2022 Annual Report
    • Status update
    • Christine: Events & Talent are in progress
    • Reviewing squad definition in context of anticipated growth.
  • 2023 Planning: Community Engagement & Operations
    • First one happened yesterday. 
    • Talk posts out for the 1st event out.
  • Finance 
    • Spend Plan/Budget Tracker
      • Spend plan is up to date - Erica has a few outstanding questions for Jennifer
      • Budget Tracker template is in progress
    • AP - vendors have submitted
    • AR 
  • Grants: Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • FAIMER
      • Amendment to be signed
      • Budget tracker
    • ANC DAK updates
      • Positive feedback from Donor.
      • Check in call on the deliverables for ANC DAK
        • Mekom plans - design work
    • QA Capacity
      • Follow up with Grace and Jayasanka about building local capacity. To discuss in fellowship meeting.
    • TAP Y3
    • Bahmni-SNOMED updates
  • AOB
    • Website links

January 2023


Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Erica Kigotho

Regrets: Christine Gichuki Nikesh Balami 

Recording link:  Not available


  • Review Action Items
  • 2022 Annual Report
    • Status update
  • 2023 Planning: Community Engagement & Operation
  • Fellowship Support
    • Agreements
    • Applicant Follow Up
  • Finance 
    • AP 
      • reminders sent to consultants/vendors
      • all received invoices submitted for payment
      • spend plans & budget trackers updated with accruals
    • AR 
      • Three to send out by January 31
        • DS ANC
        • TAP
        • SNOMED
      • Next up:
        • UW - DS QA - bill when monthly total is over $5k
        • FAIMER
  • Grants: Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • FAIMER
    • ANC DAK updates
    • TA - Quarterly Report
    • Bahmni-SNOMED updates
  • AOB
    • Website links

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Erica Kigotho

Recording link:  Not available


  • Review Action Items
  • 2022 Annual Report
    • Status update
    • Prioritioies for the next week: 
      • Growling Talent
      • Global Events
      • Implementer Data
      • Code contribution data
      • Winning awards
  • 2023 Planning: Community Engagement & Operations
    • Strategic Community Discussion - topics and timelines
      • Potential dates: 1 Feb, 15 Feb, 1 March
      • Agenda topics
        • Partnerships and contributions
        • Technical capacity
        • Meaningful engagement
  • Fellowship
    • Fellowship interviews
    • Org rotation* 
      • Mekom interested in shared organization rotation fellowship for ANC DAK
  • Finance 
    • AP
    • AR
  • Grants: Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • FAIMER
    • ANC DAK updates
    • TAP update*
    • Bahmni-SNOMED updates
  • AOB

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Erica Kigotho Christine Gichuki 

Recording link: Not available


  • Review Action Items
  • 2022 Annual Report
    • Status update
      • Report should  be published in the community forum by end February.
      • Strong  draft needs to be  in by 15th February, 2023
      • Annual report content to be in by 31st January, 2023
      • What impact are we having in OpenMRS ecosystem (OpenMRS Talent)
      • Talk post
      • Director Letters
      • Implementation Data
      • Tech contributions
      • Mentorship stats & content
      • Events data & content
  • 2023 Planning: Community Engagement & Operations
    • Strategic Community Discussion - topics and timelines
      • Get feedback from the community about the relevance of the community engagement dashboard.
        • Have an open community call.
        • Consider having one on one conversations
        • Community coffee break calls
  • Fellowship
    • Fellowship applications are in.
    • Review of the applications are on-going.
  • Finance 
  • Grants: Status & Support (30 minutes)
    • ANC DAK updates
    • TAP updates
      • CDC has made allocations to the partners. Discussions are still on-going.
    • Bahmni-SNOMED updates
  • AOB
    • Zeplin

Action items

  • Jennifer: Will help follow-up with Zeplin
  • Jennifer: Talk post about annual report.
  • Jennifer/Erica: Nudge Paul and Jan about their piece for the annual report
  • Jennifer/Erica: Email to implementing partners to request for data update with link to Github repo if it is publicly available.
    • Erica: Assign who is sending data form to Implementers from the hands 2022
    • Jennifer and Erica: Reach out to implementers for implementation data
  • Jennifer: Sent Burke a message for word clouds
  • Jennifer: Draft and share email example of how to reach out to implementers for data
  • Jennifer: How are we growing: new orgs, how many current, active squads.
  • Jennifer: Catalogues OpenMRS Inc is in eg Digital Public Good recognition
  • Christine: What impact are we having in OpenMRS ecosystem (OpenMRS Talent): 9th February
  • Christine: Community events - annual report
  • Christine: Non-technical contributions: remarkable non-code contributions: 9th February
  • Christine: Social media  on DPG - twitter, talk etc
  • Christine: Submit an invoice for OMRS22 vendor
  • Erica: After Jennifer sends out word to Burke, follow-up
    • Code contribution from organizations. 
    • Update: top developers, hall of fame, special contribution to the community - not just about code. 
  • Erica: Update the Implementers list
  • Erica: Update the Implementers Data Form
  • Erica: Identify three times in OpenMRS calendar that do not conflict with squad calls to have the community call to review community roadmap from the  last week of January and that will work for this team. (1st February, 5 - 6pm EAT), (15th February, 5 - 6pm EAT) and (1st March, 5 - 6pm EAT)
  • Jennifer and Erica: Updates from Talk, Discourse and Slack about work being done in the community (openly sharing, collaborating and learning): 9th February
  • Jennifer and Erica: Funding success, winning award and writing proposals. Grants application folder in the google drive for reference.
  • All: How you can help in 2023

Attendees: Jennifer Antilla Erica Kigotho

Recording link: Not available


  • Review Action Items
  • Grants: Status & Support (30 minutes)
  • Finance
    • Zeplin
    • Accounts Receivable
      • DS ANC: Quarterly. Current one is due in January
      • TAP: Quarterly. Current one is due in January.
    • Weekly AP update
      • Updating budget trackers and spend plan
      • Uncoded statement lines 
  • 2023 Strategic Planning and Priorities