Google Code-in 2014

Google Code-in 2014

Help Out. Save Lives.

OpenMRS is proud to announce that we will be participating in Google Code-in (GCI) 2014. We have a long and proud history of taking part in the Google Summer of Code with university students, and are excited to participate for the first time in GCI with pre-university students. Come join us and help save lives with Health IT software!

Latest Status

OpenMRS has been accepted to participate in Google Code-in 2014! Please keep watching this page for updates to the tasks we're planning, and details for participating in GCI with OpenMRS. Also watch the GCI site for important information: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/homepage/google/gci2014

On This Page:

Current GCI Discussions on OpenMRS Talk:

About OpenMRS

OpenMRS is an open source medical record system platform used by a large number of developing countries.  It is a multi-institution, non-profit collaborative led by a team of volunteers around the world. The project was co-founded by Regenstrief Institute, a world-renowned leader in medical informatics research, and Partners In Health, a Boston-based philanthropic organization with a focus on improving the lives of underprivileged people worldwide through health care service and advocacy. Today, OpenMRS is used throughout the world and is the world's leader in open source Health IT. Want to find out more about where OpenMRS is being used? Check out the OpenMRS Atlas, a real-time map of user-reported OpenMRS installations and developers.

Google Code-in Mentor Team

OpenMRS has a long history of mentorship, and we have assembled our best community members as capable mentors who are willing to help review your completed tasks.


OpenMRS mentors, we want you! Add your name here.


Google Code-in Example Task List

As a GCI participant, there's a number of technical and non-technical tasks that you can work on for us. A full list of these issues can be found below, and will be posted in the Melange site when tasks open. Please note that each issue contains multiple labels denoting their level of difficulty (Level 01 to 05), type (Code to Documentation, Outreach, testing etc.) and repeatability (ticket can be completed once per student, or multiple times per student).

This task list is growing quickly and will be changed up until the start of the contest on 1 December 2014. Keep checking back for updates!


Expectations of Participants & Mentors

What we expect of participants:

What participants should expect of OpenMRS during the summer:

  • You will have fun!

  • You will learn how to work within an open source project – one that's helping people save lives around the world.

  • If you do your best to ask a question the smart way, our community will do its best to help you.

What we expect of mentors:

Helpful OpenMRS Community Resources

  • If possible, join the Developers Forum every Thursday. You can participate by telephone, VoIP, or even just on IRC.

  • We use JIRA as a tool for issue tracking and project management.

  • Tips for using e-mail:

    • If you have a highly specific question, contact your mentor.

    • Technical discussions, ideas, and requests for feedback should be sent to the entire community on the developers mailing list.

    • The GCI category on OpenMRS Talk is for accepted interns to discuss program administrative issues. This category should not be used for technical discussions.

  • IRC discussions in the #OpenMRS channel on Freenode are always fun! Useful for shorter discussions or for large group discussions.

  • Use the OpenMRS Wiki often:

    • Be sure to make a user profile page.

    • Every project should have a OpenMRS Wiki page where you document your project, progress, technical details, show mock ups, etc.

  • Google Docs is an excellent tool for sharing and collaborating in real time on documents or spreadsheets, when the OpenMRS Wiki is not appropriate.


The OpenMRS community comprises of a large number of experts, students, and professionals from around the world. We come from varied backgrounds, fields, and countries, and are all tied together by our desire to do good. Because the community is so diverse and spread across the globe, please remember to be courteous and considerate to other community members at all times. Always remember that people may be based in other timezones, and may have other jobs that they prioritize. For more information, please refer to our community code of conduct. For best practices in using our GitHub repos, please refer to these guidelines.


There are multiple ways that you can communicate with our community!

Questions, anyone?

If you are interested in participating in GCI 2014 and have further questions that aren't answered here, please contact Suranga Kasthurirathne or @Saptarshi Purkayastha

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