Software Engineering Community Roles

This is nothing official. It's a draft page to play with how community roles could be communicated better in the wiki

Architecture & Strategy (TBD)
  • Chief Architect (Burke Mamlin)
  • Associate Architects (TBD)
  • Review Board Members (TBD)
  •  Web Services Lead
  • Java API Lead
  • Database Lead
  • Application Framework Lead
  • Product/Feature Leads
  • Product Owners
  • Business Analysts
  • Project Manager
  • Release Manager
Distributions (Darius Jazayeri)
  • Reference Application Lead (Jonathan Teich)
  • Bahmni Lead (TBD)
  • KenyaEMR Lead (Steven Wanyee)
Quality Assurance (TBD)
  •  CI Lead (TBD)
  • Pull Requests Lead (TBD)
  • Code Review Lead (TBD)
  • Unit Test Lead (TBD)
  • Integration Test Lead (TBD)
  • Manual Testing Lead (TBD)
  • Upstream/Downstream Coodinator (TBD)
Engineering Infrastructure (TBD)
  •  CI Lead (TBD)
  • Pull Requests Lead (TBD)
  • Code Review Lead (TBD)
  • Unit Test Lead (TBD)
  • Integration Test Lead (TBD)
  • Manual Testing Lead (TBD)
  • Upstream/Downstream Coodinator (TBD)
Developer Support (TBD)
  •  Community Dev Swimlane Lead (TBD)
  • Module Development Lead (TBD)
  • Implementation Dev Support Lead (TBD)
  • Developer Documentation Lead (TBD)
  • Developer Forum Lead (TBD)
  • University Forum Lead (TBD)