2016-11-03 Developers Forum
- Tanya Khokhar
- Burke Mamlin
- Jamie Thomas
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
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- Infrastructure Update/Plan
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- Burke
- Chagara
- Pascal
- Darius
- Wyclif
- Infrastructure update & plan
Burke describes Jetstream (upcoming replacement for XSEDE)
- Modern system management capability for us (don't have to file helpdesk tickets)
- Concerns about uptime (Burke has seen 4 hour downtimes twice over the last month)
Current plan is to put our bigger servers on Jetstream (ones that would cost hundreds of $$ per month on DigitialOcean, which we're using for some things)
Still need to discus with IU sponsors what kind of capacity and LTA will be possible. (Burke needs to own this conversation. He will send some emails today.)
Atlassian Product updates
- Have been doing weekly backups
- Had to increase JIRA to 4 GB of RAM, Confluence was tougher (had to increase to 6-8 GB and backup via SSH tunnel)
- Possible pathway
- Confirm issues of SLA & allocation with IU Jetstream
- Copy JIRA (as-is) to Jetstream and begin using it there
- Upgrade Crowd (to make JIRA & Confluence upgrades easier)
- Copy Confluence (as-is) to Jetstream
- Upgrade JIRA & Confluence (on servers that are dedicated to each and have much more memory)
TODO: Document Infrastructure roles
- Responsibilities
- Skills required
- Time requirement
- Where to get info
- Where to ask for help
Tier 1: Help desk – password resets,
Tier 2: System resets – ID dashboard
Tier 3: Troubleshooting, complex issues
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)