2017-05-22 Project Management Meeting



Discussion items

PlatformBurke Mamlin
  • need to work on goals for the Platform (design forum on 5/24)
Reference ApplicationStephen Senkomago Musoke
  • gathering ideas and then would like to have design call next week to talk about the features (design forum on 6/5)
AddonsDarius Jazayeri
  • GSoC project
  • will be live an announced soon, adding an about page
  • will be putting items in JIRA
  • don't need to talk about next week
Internships (GSoC)Harsha Kumara & Kaweesi Joseph
  • GSoC starts in a week - 30 May
  • Need update from leads to see if there is anything they need
  • there are Telegram chats for students and mentors
  • Harsha and Kaweesi will need to make sure everyone is connected, ready to go and expectations are clear
AndelaDaniel Kayiwa
  • had meeting with Darius to prioritize tickets and those are being worked on now
  • have two devs left as they are trying to close up the contract, 5 weeks left to go
  • Dairus and Jan have a meeting on Wednesday to talk about next steps with program manager
  • community dev swim lane is being done on daily basis, no rotation
  • worry about not having someone responsible for swim lane/priority tickets to get people to work on tickets to grow more experienced devs
  • idea could be to create a list of people on Talk that have shown an interest in dev in the last two weeks and running that list
  • could also hold virtual hackathon to work with people on tickets, first Thursday and Friday of the month?
  • Next weeks PM call is CANCELLED, US holiday. (Next call June 5th)
  • Jamie is back (part-time) from maternity leave and able to take design forum communications back from Jeff

Action items

  • Jamie Thomas to set up and communicate design calls
  • Daniel Kayiwa will look closer at how to get people more engaged on priority tickets