2011-01-20 Developer Meeting



In Attendance

  • @Jeremy Keiper

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Ada Yeung

  • @Dawn Seymour

  • @Paul Biondich

  • @Ben Wolfe

  • Shaun Grannis

  • @Roger Friedman

  • @Jonah S. Mwogi

  • Randy Carroll

  • @Sriskandarajah Suhothayan

  • James Egg

  • @Mike Seaton

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Balachandiran Ajanthan


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • De-duplication - led by Shaun Grannis (45 min)

  • Review infrastructure plans

    • Can we make builds more reliable?

    • Moving things to OSUOSL

  • Naming a 1.9 release manager - (5 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


real-time collaborative notes

  • 10 minutes late starting

Last week review - 20 min

  • Discussion about module support and the role of module developers to upgrade their module over time and test for compatibility.

  • An e-mail should go out to the new module developer list about changes in 1.8. A wiki page should be created and the e-mail should point to it.

  • TODO: Jeremy will send out information about design changes for the Data Integrity module.

Back-porting bug fixes - 5 min

  • We need to define a policy on back-porting bug fixes.

  • Ben: In theory, all bug fixes get back-ported. There's a "slightly sliding" scale for back-porting features.

  • Many things will be on a case-by-case basis.

De-Duplication - 60 min

  • Shaun has been working on patient de-duplication for a long time and is now working to integrate that technology into OpenMRS.

  • They've created a module that uses a matching approach to look at different identifiers.

  • Challenge: The algorithm is so complex, it's not approachable enough for most implementers to use the module.

  • Demo: http://connect.openmrs.org/

  • Ada has prioritized the unresolved Patient Matching tickets here.

Infrastructure Top 15 - 20 min

  1. Test server

  2. Backups

  3. bafang upgrades

  4. Crucible @ OSUOSL

  5. OpenMRS ID session management problems

  6. JIRA session issues

  7. Subversion & OpenMRS ID

  8. resources.openmrs.org

  9. OpenMRS ID "2.0"

  10. Future of OpenMRS Forum

  11. Labs

  12. Online presence

  13. Adobe Connect

  14. Module Repository

  15. Summer of Code 2011

Feedback for Patient Matching Module

  • User Interface

    • Avoid horizontal scrolling (UI anti-pattern) – PTM-29

    • Either lighten (grey) ignored fields or bold those that are used – PTM-30

    • Show groups visually instead of just with group numbers – PTM-31 

      • Consider using CSS to class first-in-group & last-in-group rows in the display of matches, then replacing the horizontal line separator with a soft background image (light grey or very light blue) that has rounded top corners & space above for first-in-group, rounded bottom corners & space below for last-in-group, and is a background for other rows.  This would create the illusion of rounded panels around each group

    • Show "stack" of patients on right during merge when there's more than two in group – i.e., visually indicate when I need to use prev/next buttons – PTM-32

    • Instead of highlighting voided patient in red, make them light grey and/or apply strikethru – PTM-33

    • Show strategy used for each report (i.e. strategies column in list of previously run reports) – PTM-34

  • Suggested enhancements

    • Allow user to create custom fields (e.g., name in all capitals, address passed through my FooBar function, etc.). Custom fields could be provided by other modules. – PTM-35

    • Provide a "select all in group" or – perhaps better – check all by default or make merge button assume all in group if none checked – PTM-36




  1. handler

    Wyclif will work on notification for module developers about changes in 1.8.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Jan 21, 2011
  2. handler

    Jeremy will send out information about design changes for the Data Integrity module.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Jan 21, 2011


  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting