2010-08-26 Developers Conference Call


26 August 2010

In Attendance

  • ??@Michael Downey

  • ?@Former user (Deleted)

  • ?@Former user (Deleted)

  • ?@Wyclif Luyima

  • ?@Justin Miranda

  • ?@Glen McCallum

  • ?@Mike Seaton

  • ?@Dawn Seymour

  • ?@Burke Mamlin

  • ?@Mark Goodrich

  • ?@Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Road Map Review (60 min)

    • Update on 1.7 Testing (5 min)

    • 1.8 Status Update (30 min)

      • Review of hackathon

      • Targets for 1.8

    • 1.9 Review (15 min)

    • 2.0 Update (10 min)

  • New website (20 min)

  • Maven update (15 min)

    • What do developers think?

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Monthly ?Technical Roadmap / Release Notes Review

1.7 testing

  • Some installation delays at AMPATH.

  • ?@Jeremy Keiper is headed to Kenya and will help them with 1.7 installation this week end and testing over the next week.

  • Still on track for release around end of the month.

1.8 release status

  • As of today, 46 tickets are still open.

  • Tentative alpha date is about 1 month from now (approx 1 October) and a potential release in 8 weeks.

  • TODO: ?@Wyclif Luyima needs to determine what is in and what is out as release manager, and select some minor tickets for inclusion in 1.8. There are also a few tickets that need priority assigned (they are currently TBD).

  • TODO: ?@Burke Mamlin will update ?Technical Roadmap Planning and ?Release Process to describe the process for inclusion of minor tickets in releases.

  • TODO: ?@Former user (Deleted) will document how tickets were selected for 1.7 release.

  • The hackathon was productive both from issues worked and guidance about Maven changes.

Trunk tickets needing design review should be put into the appropriate state. "Needs Assessment" is for new tickets that have yet to be validated.

1.9 Preview

  • We need a volunteer for 1.9 release manager. We'll talk about it more next week.

  • It would be beneficial to discuss this in the ??2010 Implementers Group Meeting Program.

  • TODO: ?@Mike Seaton will e-mail the implementers list with questions about 1.9 topics for the implementers meeting.

2.0 Planning

  • Darius is the presumptive release manager for 2.0.

  • Post-implementer meeting, Darius will complete the selection of UI frameworks and set up a project with said framework, infrastructure, etc.

  • He has been working with an intern on ??OpenMRS 2.0 User Interface Redesign but those designs are still very early and incomplete.

  • A course at IU School of Informatics is doing a usability evaluation and user testing of 1.7 this semester which should produce design recommendations.

  • ?@Glen McCallum suggested the need for a UI guidelines document for both core & module developers.

  • Discussion about how to define page fragments that users/administrators can manipulate in v2.0




Task List

  1. handler

    Burke will update Road Map Planning & Release Process to describe the process for inclusion of minor tickets in releases.

    Priority MEDIUM
  2. handler

    Mike Seaton will e-mail the implementers list with questions about 1.9 topics for the implementers meeting.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Aug 27, 2010
  3. handler

    Sy will document how tickets were selected for 1.7 release.

    Priority MEDIUM
    Aug 27, 2010
  4. handler

    Wyclif Luyima needs to determine what is in and what is out as release manager, and select some minor tickets for inclusion in 1.8. There are also a few tickets that need priority assigned (they are currently TBD).

    Priority HIGH


  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after call