2009 Hack-a-thon Wednesday

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After Action Review of Tuesday

  • Expect happen

    • More questions to core developers about projects

  • Notes / Comments

    • Still Don't have a good sense of what "we" want - let developer drive

    • Possibly had too much free dev time without sessions in between

Justin BIRT Overview

  • Talked about

    • Logic Rules

    • Renderers

    • BIRT


  • General discussion

  • Darius showed usage in OpenMRS

  • Mike mentioned creating a best practices module with examples of how to use widgets on pages

Reporting Parameters

  • Ryan and Daniel led a discussion about parameters in the new reporting framework

Afternoon Session

  • Wyn (sp?) and Darius gave an overview of the Logic Service

  • Sam talked about his work very briefly

  • James gave an overview of his work including a description on a module he's working on which will be used for backing up the database.

  • Daniel (Uganda) described his work on mobile phones. Including offline patient search and XForms implementation. Audio and visual input can be captured on phones. Non-java-enabled phones can fill out forms using sms:

    • SMS contains exactly: user pass patientId 1=2/2/09 3=2 4=67

      • Where: 1=x means x is the answer for question one. In the case where the answers come from a dropdown, the answer is the number in the dropdown (e.g 4=1). Patients are created on the fly if the patientId isn't found. Errors are received as descriptive sms.

  • Mark described his work in Rwanda which includes most area's of OpenMRS (Forms, Reports, Primary care with a Java implementation of the Boabab touch screen patient registration system).

  • Ryan described his work on SDMX-HD, iDart integration with Mirth and a lab system.

  • Daniel (Jembi) decribed his work on the Tswana DH sytem which touches on many area's of OpenMRS (forms, reports, etc) as well some customization of the BIRT module and integration with iDart. He also described the WHO module which is a basic import/export system (with conflict resolution logic when importing patients and rollback) which was implemented using HL7 and IXF aggregate report exports.

  • Pascal described his projects (PIH Malawi and JCMG IPA).

Beach JAD Session

After Action Review

What we expected

  • Ben expected to hear more about BIRT and so-forth

  • Ben expected more one on one questions about projects

  • Carl expected to hear more about individual projects in detail

  • Daniel expected to get a better understanding about certain parts of the API and techniques like JQuery (he accomplished more than expected with JQuery)

  • Ryan expected to talk about his project, and did

  • James expected to get more hands-on with coding, which he partially did. He's been enlightened and come to understand more about core OpenMRS

  • Wyn works mainly on logic and the person mainly in-charge wasn't here, which was limiting

What we didn't expect

  • Carl didn't expect to get a logic overview

  • Darius didn't expect to take a walk on the beach

What can we do differently tomorrow

  • Justin would like us to do more focused hands-on work on some coding of a report. Pascal agreed

  • Darius wants to work with with Ryan and wants Pascal to make a commit to trunk

  • Carl expects 9 more people

  • Carl expects to hear more about the pharmacy system