2015-01-08 Leadership Call

How To Join

Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.


  • SES platform support for the OpenMRS Ebola outbreak initiative (Hamish initiative) - Chris
  • Leadership/Nomination Model - Paul

Meeting Minute

View at notes.openmrs.org

Agenda & Notes
  • Partnerships - Chris 
  • SES platform support for the OpenMRS Ebola outbreak initiative (Hamish initiative)
  • SES will be at Maputo meeting. And discuss further.
  • Plan to meet SES in person at Maputo to explore partnerships opportunity and how to work together in the future (sidebar/birds of a feather)
  • SES will also provide a presentation about their work during the conference
  • OpenSRP
  • Chris S and Matt Berg have been talking a lot.
  • They were going to have a meeting during the Maputo hackathon, but this didn't work out. Rescheduled to March.
  • Matt Berg and Garret will be at the Maputo meeting
  • DHIS 
  • Chris was trying to get OSLO team to Maputo but they are very busy with DATUM project so it looks like they will not be able to make it
  • HELINA meeting in March may be the next opportunity to meet with Jorn
  • Need to clarify patents for integration as people are coming from different angles
  • Next step: Talking around DHIS/OMRS integration should be an agenda topic at Maputo. The the leads should have a strategic conversation during a February leads call (45min)
  • Leadership/Nomination Model - Paul
  • Last week we talked around the differnece between decision making and responsibilities
  • Michael D - missing role of project lead/executive director, there is room for overlap and people may live in multiple boxes (gray boxes)
  • Need to make sure we curate and change the community roles document over time.
  • We are creating these roles so the community knows who to reach out to to get things done and how to get involved with certain areas. 
  • Jan - missing new strategy, new tech, etc. (what new things we want to do with OpenMRS)
  • Darius - what is this digram for exactly? 
  • Paul this diagram is intended to create a distinction between decision making and the responsibility of day to day activities. "The Doing Chart :)"
  • Next step: Leads send revisions/suggestions to the "Community Roles" doc to Paul over the next few weeks.
  • AOB (Any Other Business)
  • Maputo
  • Andy Kanter will not be able to attend
  • Planning team is still working on the large catering charges
  • Hackathon Theme will be discussed on next weeks dev forum. Pascal will attend the forum to represent Maputo planners.
  • Need to have a deliberate conversation with the Soldevelo team