Module Development Discussion


  • Sy Haas - OMRS core developer.

  • Zeshan - Regenstrief fellow.

  • Rowan - PIH Rwanda.

  • Nathaelf - ITEC Haiti. Physician.

  • Ali - IRD Karachi, Pakistan. Question: when is a module ready or useful to the public?

  • Seth - MVP Ghana.

  • Anton - Dimagi. From OpenRosa side.

  • Mamilia - Cell Life, joining Dimagi.

  • Tuwei - AMPATH Kenya.

  • - Zimbabwe.

  • - Rwanda.

  • - Datadyne.

  • - Mozambique.

  • - Nigeria.

  • Tom - D-Tree Tanzania.

  • Yaw - PhD Student at Uwash.

  • Wyclif - OpenMRS Core Dev.

  • - Baobab health.

  • Zack - PhD student UPitt + Baobab health.

  • - Baobab Health.

  • Jeramy - AMPATH Core Developer.


  • OpenMRS built as a database API.

  • Modules are able to override any feature of the UI, database API, and more.

  • Core OpenMRS gives you a fully functional system that installs a database, enter patients, observations, and concepts.

  • Most popular modules: HTML Form entry, Logic, XForms, Reporting.

  • Overview of some current modules and examples thereof: logic module (and why is logic a core module), messaging module.

  • OpenMRS in the future is moving away from core modules - it will instead provide a base that people can develop from.

  • Always put your code out - crap or not. Someone may see it and want to build it.

  • Invite people to this wiki page to add ideas for new modules.

  • Add link to the Hello World module here.

  • You can write a module knowing java and XML. There's one configuration file.

  • Module tutorials - Ben Wolfe has done a class on this.