2010-07-01 Developers Conference Call


1 July 2010

In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (2.5 min)

  • Summer of Code updates - Group 3 continued

    • UI Framework Prototypes - Harsha Halgaswatta (15 min)

  • Quick update on go-live for JIRA and associated tools (30 min)

  • 1.7 Release update (10 min)

  • Monthly Roadmap Review - 1st Thursday of each month (1 hour)

    • Decide on Top Ten List for 1.8 Performance Improvements

    • Decide on ownership for each 1.8 line item

    • Plan on potential timing of hackathon

    • Start/refine process for picking trivial tickets for 1.8 (do we have this documented for 1.7?)

  • Update on the Simple Pharmacy, Billing & Hospital Systems in India

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (2.5 min)


Summer of Code Updates - Group 3

JIRA and dev tools

1.7 Release

  • More code review this afternoon. Sy intends to release alpha before the end of the day.

1.8 Update

  • Another call for performance feedback will be made to the implementer & developer communities.

  • Nareesa will work with Wyclif to identify the Top 10.


  • Next week agenda items:

    • Pharmacy & Billing modules

    • 1.8 update
