2008-08-14 Developers Conference Call


14 August 2008

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Sheraz F Noormohammad

  • Chase Yarbrough

  • Darius Jazayeri




  • Mark will have call with Trinity interns, Burke, and Darius

  • Release should have a suffix on it. It will be such as: "1.4.0 dev"

  • TODO: Fix the OpenMRS installer. (The virtual appliance Yaw made is awesome. Kudos to Yaw. Burke said it's Yawesome!)

  • Upul and Ben review Tribe Module

    • Tribe was on patient object and Upul moved it to Person Attribute in the tribe module.

    • Demonstration on demo.openmrs.org/tribe

    • TODO: Get manage tribe in patient section to disappear.

    • TODO: Fix edit patient page.

    • Liquibase libarary to do SQL updates when you start the war file.

      • No need for sqldiff

      • SQL changes in xml file.

      • TODO: Be sure that we can do custom stuff to run straight sql instead of xml.

      • When war does not start... a separate process will allow configuration before startup to apply updates.

        • Click yes to step through updates. Click no to go back to "you need to update" page.

        • Should have a log-in to have permission to run update. Instead of 1st person to URL gets to update it. :-0

          • possibly set up secret password in config in order to access update

      • Runs on any database - not just MySQL.

      • Other candidates other than Liquibase to support Groovy/Ruby/C# web layers?

  • Unit-a-thon

    • Review hotel arrangements

    • Review test examples

    • Testing against Use-Cases vs.a Service (as we discussed last week).

    • Establish conventions for submitting code. (e.g.: Eventually commits must include tests or you lose commit privileges.)

    • Output

      • Straw man approach.

      • How do we manage progress.

      • Developers that spend a good amount of time in code reviews.

      • Make it ridiculously simple for someone to contribute to Unit tests.

        • Page - How to contribute Unit tests.

    • Potential Plans

      • Straw man on Thursday O-|--<

        • Priority List - what code are we going to touch.

        • Testing Roadmap with scratch notes.

      • Gold Standard / JUnit BestPractices and Antipatterns

      • Pair off and test methods.

      • Must be writing test code by the afternoon on Thursday.

  • Migration of OpenMRS Wiki to Atlassian products

    • Huge endeavor to port all of our previous content. Burke will rewrite by hand. Just kidding.

    • Probably planning to continue use of Trac instead of trying to migrate to JIRA.

  • Saptarshi discusses Registration Module

    • Request for Jaxen library in core. (2x faster than Saxon)

    • Saxon currently is used in core.

      • Should not code against dom4j but rather code against the JAXP interfaces.

    • Implementation of offline support.

      • Sending Patient Registration information to central server.

      • Central server overwrites remote database

      • Remote Registraton Module could save registration to xml file to by synced with central server at any time.

      • Abstracting new information from patient registration. Don't rely on patient_id.

      • Add all patients back in that were registered since the last overwrite of the remote database.

      • Diagram process from completely disconnected --> intermittently disconnected --> completely connected.

    • Current features:

      • Patient search via jQuery using Ajax

      • Bar Code support to automatically open patient summary page

      • Patient summary page can be printed and given to physician

      • Register new patient

        • Can put in patient information.

        • Global Propery Option to upload patient identifiers or enter them manually.

        • If uploading set of identifiers, they are stored in xml file and given to each subsequent new patient.

      • TODO: Customization of summary page.

    • Tag as version 0.x and solicit feedback from those who download it.